Gave rock a go again. Here's my cover of Rx (Medicate) by Theory of a Deadman
2.0 PRO Posts: 594
So I've been working on this one for a few days and I kept getting tongue tied. Today, I made a breakthrough and managed to get through the entire song in a single take without tying my tongue into knots. I'm pretty happy with it but I'm not sure how it sounds on the long, high pitched "medicate" passages (at 2:00 & 3:15). I tried to drag my chest up there, belt it, and add in a little distortion but I'm not sure that part sounds so good. What do you guys think? Any tips for improvements?
It's way better than I can do though, so you gave me something to look forward to.
Overall nice job
Also don’t sell yourself short I’ve heard your voice a bunch of times now and I’ve liked everything I’ve heard so far, you have a wonderful voice my friend!
I think I hear what you mean now, and misunderstood what you meant at first. I finish each line with a little more weight than the middle part of that line. I think I was doing that stylistically but I can sing it the same weight the entire line if you think it would sound better.