How high should I take up chest voice?

Hello, I am a 17 year old tenor. I know that chest voice is the foundation of the voice and has to be very strong. However, how high should I take up chest voice safely? I don't know how far Ken takes you up chest voice since I don't have his course, but there is a YouTube video where he took a Japanese student up to the 5th octave which was pretty amazing. Some coaches on YouTube say that tenors should take up their chest at least to F4, while others day A4. Based on KTVA standards, how far should I safely take up my chest voice? Any help will be greatly appreciated!
P.S. I'm not a voice teacher or expert, but I'd like to consider myself knowledgeable and qualified to give advice, if I could HEAR you sing I might be able to help a bit
Ima leave that other stuff up there as handy knowledge, but I'd probably say a safe bet for you is to flip around F4, don't fret it too much though, ideally your chest and mix should be indistinguishable!
Taking your chest voice up safely is something you should do regularly to keep the ability. Think more about what your chest limit is now and safely approach stretching it, instead of having a set note value as an end goal.