
So my name is Damien. I've been singing off and on for about 4 years collectively. I bought the course for Christmas. I gotta say, I've made such improvements. My range has improved massively. I see improvements daily. Great to meet everyone here. But side note, what section would help with head voice be under?
It's great to hear that you're making such good progress.
The course covers head voice in volume 4. It is left until then because it is important to grow a strong chest voice as a foundation first.
Grab your student access to the forums by following the instructions here: https://forum.kentamplinvocalacademy.com/discussion/6859/how-to-get-access-to-the-ktva-how-to-sing-better-than-anyone-else-student-areas-of-the-forums#
The Volume 4 category of the student forums contains lots of helpful discussions.