sing sunday need advice

i'm singing a song sunday at church. at the end of the song around 1:03 i do some belting. i need to know if this is good enough for folks. if not i won't do the belting. don't want to do something with not confidence.
P.S. i recorded this in the morning, voice was not quite warmed up. also this is not the whole song, just the last half
P.S. i recorded this in the morning, voice was not quite warmed up. also this is not the whole song, just the last half
Good job, Mike. I got goosebumps. The belting is the best part!
My how you've grown! If I would suggest anything it would be a little more support on the easy parts. You may be thinking you don't need so much before you go high, but more support would only make it better.
A little brighter wouldn't hurt, either. Remember, if it sounds too bright, it's just about right.
You're really improving, Mike!