How to do head voice without straining

Hello, I am new to the forum. I am a male singer and have been singing as a hobby for a while now but am trying to improve my technique and expand into some rock singing. Mainly classic rock style. My problem is I don't really understand what head voice is. I have have been watching a lot of the KTVA videos on youtube on the subject, and while I can hit the high notes using my diaphragm, I feel like there is still a lot of tension and I feel like there is a lump in my throat after doing it for a while. Is head voice kind of like when you are humming up high in a very low volume? The way you would scream if you were scared by something? Don't know how else to explain it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated?

If you have every watched someone or sung a lullaby yourself to a baby, the odds are you were using head voice as well.
It took me 6 months of training and getting used to my own voice before I even started to understand and distinguish between chest and head.
Even at first I thought that high voice means when I am shouting or screaming but high voice is when the sound vibrate in your head
Try this-be excited and just say yaaaaaaayyyyyyyy
not loud but feel where it's resonating mostly it should be in your head cavity
I don't know why but when I'm very excited (I can fake the excitement)
My voice lifts and go to head easily
Well a piece of advice ken says that we first go for chest and then we go for
Not head voice but re-enforced falsetto so try for it
Hope it helps
Keep singing