Song about a person currently alive : what to do about it

PhMarnePhMarne 2.0 PRO Posts: 206
Hi everyone!

I wrote a song about a retired actress who's currently alive.

Not that the song is derogatory: it's just that I'm mainly addressing this person in the song, with all due respect.

I'm considering asking this person's permission before releasing the song: is it a bad idea?

Thank you all!

Best Answers


  • PhMarnePhMarne 2.0 PRO Posts: 206
    edited February 2021
    I don't mean to be rude to the person who inspired me this song, and I'm not keen on the media exposure that goes along with lawsuits: I will definitely contact the person before releasing the song. I guess I'll have to find her public relations agent.
    Thanks for your advices!
  • PhMarnePhMarne 2.0 PRO Posts: 206
    edited February 2021
    I understand people do have image and personality rights, so I'd better respect them, too :smile:
    I don't know if a song is considered speech protected by the 1st amendment, as long as it is not offensive for the person it depicts...
  • FretlessTheBardFretlessTheBard 2.0 PRO Posts: 92
    Music is definitely considered protected speech in the US. Generally, your rights end when they infringe on another's rights or you incite a riot or something. If you're not slandering the person, and you're instead "singing their praises", so to speak, then you should be in the clear.

    That said, if you respect the person, which it sounds like you do, then it doesn't hurt to let them know you're writing a song about them and the nature of the song. But technically I don't think you need permission.
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