First test

Hi all,

i'm just getting started and would like some feedback on this ..

here it is......warts and all!!!

many thanks in advance


  • dorrodorro Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 7
    Thank you cgreen,

    i'm new to singing and playing together and at the moment i lack a bit of confidence, i just purchased the series of dvd's so let's hope they work........

    I don't yet know how to use my voice correctly so i'm just trying things and seeing what comes out ;-)


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035

    Hey, dorro!

    Nice first demo.  For starters, let me encourage you to learn everything you possibly can about support.  It will help you a lot with a number of aspects to your voice.  I can't emphasize this enough, and it's true of just about everyone of us that we need to increase our support.

    Several of the KTVA Webinars, available on this forum for enrolled KTVA students, cover information straight from Ken on support.  The original glottal compression video went into a lot of detail on that subject, and there are more webinars touching on this subject.  You can also do a search on this forum on "support' and come up with many discussions about support.

    You could also brighten your tone a bit. That will help with pitch discernment and also grow the tone of your voice. 

    Dig in to those exercises and videos and give your voice something to chew on.  You will notice results.  Some come quickly, others take considerable time.  It's all good.


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