Home Ken Tamplin's Corner

Masters Program

How does the Masters program work?


  • WigsWigs Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5,042
    @highmtn might be able to answer this.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    edited March 2021
    You apply in email to KTVA.

    It's only for students who are really serious about working to make their voice the best that it can be. You have to do the work. Ken will zero in on you and make you do what the Jedi Vocal Master requires. You must choose wisely.

    You can do the Master's program via skype, in person, or a combination. There are a few different ways you can break up the time over different periods. If you get a slot in the Master's program, Ken will work with you specifically to work on the direction you want to go with your voice. He will definitely make sure you know what you need to do. It's your job to do the work. So you may want to spread your lessons so you have time to practice what you are given to work on, before the next lesson hits.

    Ken is no longer in Hawaii. He is now in northern Arizona.

    Here is a link to information on the Master's Program. https://store.kentamplinvocalacademy.com/master-singing-program?_ga=2.120885768.1038693088.1614855760-1507218530.1570951035#
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