Home Vocal Health and Wellness


kamikazekamikaze 2.0 PRO Posts: 193
edited January 2014 in Vocal Health and Wellness
Hey guys! So, I didn't start feeling this until the other night, but especially today I've been experiencing some absolutely wicked allergies! I suppose it doesnt help much that I was at a fair last night and although I tried to yell a whole lot, I did a bit:0 Today, I warmed up with 9 tracks im the early afternoon, but as of a few hours ago my throat feels a bit like post-nasal drip, and my breathing is a bit out of whack. I've been trying to watch over my webcam session as much as I can to really get on the ball, but today was a bit rough:0 As of now, my midrange register is alright, but my high chest and head are a bit iffy. I'm really trying to clear up soon! would any of you guys happen to have had any similar experiences or symptoms? Thanks! Brian


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,388


    Have you watched Kens new video on How to Recover from Hoarseness?  It's got some good tips.  A link to it is in the webinars section of the forum.

    Also, Ken has a recent video on Health and Wellness.  If you haven't watched that, you should give it a look.  It's part of the recent Pro Pack download.


  • kamikazekamikaze 2.0 PRO Posts: 193
    Hey Bob! 

    I actually just watched it this morning! Thanks so much for uploading all those!!

    By the way, would you happen to have any idea how to get that pro pack download or any of the 'upgrades' you spoke of? Just curious, beccause I haven't seen anything about them anywhere:0

  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,388


    Do you have all three KTVA volumes?  The ProPack upgrade is provided to KTVA students who have purchased a bundle (all three Volumes).

    If so, you can send an email to ktvahelp@gmail.com and request to have your forum status upgraded to Pro.  Copy and paste into your email a copy of your receipts for your KTVA purchase.

    If you have Pro status on the forums, you can then view the Pro section of the forum.  That is where the Pro downloads are available.



  • kamikazekamikaze 2.0 PRO Posts: 193

    I do have all Volumes, I'll just have to try to find my receipts is all:0

    I could really use those downloads! This week has been real for working out, so it's kinda been a few tracks a night kinda week, asuch as I hate to say it:( It doesnt help as well that ive been a little tigjt in the chords.for some reason, haga. Hopefully I'll have some more time to get myself back on track! (Knock on wood!:p)

    But I will definitely send that in for the upgrade as soon as I find it! Thanks a lot! Is the download the things Ken spoke of, such as the tract shaping and whatnot? Just a bit curious:p

    Thanks again!!

  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,388
    edited May 2013

    Yes, Brian.

    You will be blown away by how much KTVA stuff you are going to get when you get your Pro upgrade.  It will probably more than double what you have, maybe triple or quadruple it!

    Vocal Tract Shaping, Vibrato, Building Head Voice, on and on and on!!!!

    You're going to have to become a hermit and do nothing but KTVA exercises for a year, and then emerge as a Belting, Wailing Vocal MONSTER!


  • kamikazekamikaze 2.0 PRO Posts: 193

    I would sure love to do that! My allergies have been wreaking havoc on my practicing the past few weeks :(

    I've still been doing it every day, I just haven't been able to do more that 6-9 tracks before I get a headache and start sneezing everywhere:0 I'm gonna shoot for a nice workout today (hopefully!) So I can't start to countermand this. It's Aldo got me really psyched out for some reason, which isn't necessarily helping. I have been trying the cayenne pepper like Ken said, which has cleared me up bit! I just really hope I can get over these allergies. It's that time of year!

    Thanks again!!

  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,388

    There should be a law against Springtime!  All this pollen and green grass!   No, really, I'm so glad it's finally Spring here in the good old Northern Hemisphere, but I HAVE been sneezing here and there myself!

    I'll take my lumps and like it, too, cause I'm really glad to see it warming up!


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