Trouble finding "my Voice"

Does anyone else have trouble on their albums with all the songs sounding different and like you were a different singer on a lot of them? I did tribute work for 6 years imitating vocals and even when I try not to sound like someone, it just still is there. My manager doesn't think this is an issue or the radio trackers as it's all released as singles first and then as an album. People listening say they aren't bored or tired because of the variety? Thoughts? This one is my "Shania" voice coming through. For contrast, this one "Dolly Parton" voice kept creeping in even with trying to pull it back, My entire album is on soundcloud for anyone wanting to take a further listen. I called my genre Retro Modern Country, trying to give a bit of a throw-back feel with some modern elements. You'll either love it or hate it, lol.


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