singing Low

the courses presented are wonderful, but i don't see any exercises for those who want to grow their bass voice, sing Low and strong, how to work ourselves out of having to vocal fry the last 10 notes of our range, etc. please help!
it takes time, but it works, my clarity and tone are much better now on the low parts of the DUDES exercises. i used to be very anemic on the first few notes on the LAH scales. it is still not super great but i can tell that the usable range has grown
i am assuming you talk about the range of the exercises, or did you mean even lower because i can only speak for the range within the exercises.
I can give you one tip. Lower your larynx, and the back of your jaw and then try and sing the lower notes. I struggle with low notes, and lowering my larynx really helped, before this it was like I was starting with a higher larynx and then constricting my throat to try and push the pitch down.