No surprise cover

Hi everybody,
it's has been such a long time for me not uploading any cover but this morning I found an half hour free and I got to record this.
It really a one take rec, just to have fun and get some feedback for those who want to get the time to listen.
Thank in advance and take care.
it's has been such a long time for me not uploading any cover but this morning I found an half hour free and I got to record this.
It really a one take rec, just to have fun and get some feedback for those who want to get the time to listen.
Thank in advance and take care.
Hey mate, you need to make the link accessible by anyone ;-)
Hey mate. Great work on posting the cover. I had not heard this song before, but I went and listened to the version from Radio Head as a reference. I think it would be a tricky one to do as he sings it very lightly and so support and breath control would be key aspects to focus on. @doc_ramadani gave me some great advice on a cover I recently posted, where he spoke about opening the vowels more by focusing on the Ah sound. And modding Eeeee to more of an Eh sound to open them up etc...
I think you could do the same with this song. Chasing that bright Ah sound. I think if you combined that with stronger support and holding back some air, it would really add to your cover.
Listening to the Radio Head version I think it would be very hard to get that light vibrato he gets without good support and breath control too.
Good job on a challenging song, Keep up the great work
That's a song that I should learn phrase by phrase singing over the original one.
York is so emotional in his singing and he is able to sing very soft and with a lot of intensity.
There is a big lesson to be learnt here, singing softly it's really hard because the support and control of the air is much more difficult to gain.
Thanks a lot for this precious feedback and I will check for sure the comment of @doc_ramadani
Che bello rivederti qui. Man, your voice grew a lot. You sound much, MUCH better than the way I heard you last time. Very nice chest voice.
There is one thing I want to draw your attention to: SUPPORT, SUPPORT, SUPPORT! On some notes your voice sounds a little bit shaky, wobbly. To my own experience with my own voice and to the experiences I gained here in the Forums this is mostly due to a lack of support. Remind yourself to push down on the diaphragm on every note you sing - even if your singing lightly. The support will help you a lot on stabilising the sound.
But very good progress, Claudio.
Stai attento,
Grazie Marco you are right as I said there is a big lesson here to be learnt singing light it's really hard because you forget to push and support and the sound become wobbly as you mentioned.
I work everyday on support but obviously it's not enough
I have read a lot of your last comments and man let me tell you that you carry an incredible value to this forum.
Thanks a lot for all you do for us here.
Stai bene amico mio.
ti sento ... and I know what you mean. But it is really worth working on it. If you once master support and compression it will boost your voice that much. Stay with us and work on it. You will get the reward for it.