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hello friends,is there any band or musician who are doing this since year at stages and places, town

i have a very confusing question i hope i will get answer... since teen i always find western and other songs better than mu native like spanish, kpop etc... i wrote 3 songs in english and i never wrote song in my native language.....but when we talk about careers it always a question tensed me that in which laguage should i pursue it i know it sounds stupid but my soul just question me are you want to do songs in englishor other genre languages just because its trendy or it will get me more gigs or i will have succesfull career in terms of money and may be your own thing is different etc.......and i feel like that im not truthfull to myself ,my music......and when i push myself towards my native language approch it agains questions me that you are pushing it and may be its not your thing.... and this loop just keeps rounding without solution may be iam thinking too much but i don't want to cheat myself and always wants to be truthfull to my music.......so whats your suggestion in this case cause i think its a psychological problem question idk ....... thx

Best Answers

  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,454
    Answer ✓
    hi, i know the problem. i'm from germany, most stuff i listen to is in english. german is also not an ideal language for writing, long words, and lots of consonants, harsh sounding. i started writing in english. have written a few german songs. the thing is, if you want to have an "immediate impact" on the listener, the native language of the target audience is obviously the better language. if you don't feel like writing in your native language, don't worry.

    i was at a writing workshop last year, where they said it was easier to hide emotions (even from yourself) in a foreign language, and since most songs need emotions, they encouraged us to write in our own language for the song we wrote at the workshop. it is true, but if you can convey emotions in another language, go for it. if you write in a language foreign to your audience, make sure to have a "hook" or a catchy line that is easy to understand even for them (like "take it easy", "f*** you", etc) so they know what the song is about. even in their mother tongue, people hardly listen to the verses, they mostly just know and listen to the choruses. so give them something they understand and can relate to.

    as in everything with art, it is best to do what YOU feel like at any given time, you don't have to conceptualize it (unless, as i said above, you have an "agenda" or message that you want to get across).

    remember, you can perform in various languages across your set, and you don't have to sentence yourself to write in one language, and then are committed to it for the rest of your life. do what feels right at any given time. it is very easy to get blocked by "strategic" thinking. if you write good songs in whichever language, you will find your audience.

  • sommonsommon Member Posts: 65
    edited April 2021 Answer ✓
    thank you so much @kalus_T.. , i think in the past you also has this question or something close...now i feel like its about how much we are influence by something i mean the english songs has a global reach, good music , great chorus , great lyrics so they feel great for our ears and thats why influence by them also i mentioned above kpop i mena if someone ask would like to make songs and work in kpop thing i will surely say yes becuase it feel great ro my ears and my emotion and iam influenced by that............... , just as i said that i didn't listen much my native language (hindi) songs , so i didn't have much influence of native language songs , but if i learn and listen to some great songs of my native language then i will slowly get used to it and figure out that how can i convey my emotions, catchy lines, and great verses that can connect me with audience aand also we know A HUMAN IS A HUMAN.. LANGUAGE IS A COMUNICATION NOT IDENTITY, EVERYONE HAS A HEART......
  • birdcherrybirdcherry Pro Posts: 32
    Answer ✓
    Do what you feel is right for you! There are lot of bands that had international success writing songs in English, nor being English native speakers. ABBA was from Sweden. Scorpions is a German band. Nightwish is a Finnish band. Bjork is from Icleand. Jinjer is from Ukraine... and so on
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