Metal singer from SLOVAKIA

Hi everyone. First of all, I want to apologize for my weak English . I have been singing metal for 5 years and I want to move further in singing with a pure voice in the style of rocking voice on metal voice. I want to continue on the path of continuous improvement. judge for yourself thank you and I will give here my progress in the field of pure voice or how I will do.

Welcome and greetings from the Netherlands!
grtz Wouter
That drummer WOW!!!
you can go to my profile for a sample workout from Ken's free lessons, they are great and valuable in themselves, and help decide if the course is for you.
feel free to ask anything, and read as much as you can on this forum, lots of great info and nice people who share their experiences
See here for how to get access to student areas of the forum:
perfect, the course will do exactly that and a lot more!