Webcam lesson setup
Hi folks I was wondering if you hd any tips on how to best set up the gear for a lesson with Ken, especially for songs/karaoke tracks
I have been doing it from my macbook so far, but I recently bought a Yeti microphone and am now lost on how to make sure I can run a youtube karaoke track, while singing on top of it, hearing myself in the headphones, and making sure the whole enchilada goes through skype to Ken.
Anyone got tips?
Thanks in advance!
I have been doing it from my macbook so far, but I recently bought a Yeti microphone and am now lost on how to make sure I can run a youtube karaoke track, while singing on top of it, hearing myself in the headphones, and making sure the whole enchilada goes through skype to Ken.
Anyone got tips?
Thanks in advance!
Actually just re-reading your post and I see you are using a mac.... sorry mate I am a PC guy, don't know the first thing about mac's. I will post this anyway in case others with PCs find some value in it, sorry it doesn't answer your question though.
Hey mate, I have not tried this, but it is something I am curious about, so I would be interested to hear if you get it working. After a bit of googling I found the following:
And this post of a person saying how they used it with Skype to get audio from the PC mixed with voice going into Skype.
I have wanted to do stuff like this to get guitar and vocal going into the PC via DAW piped into skype.
It is a pay for product but the price doesn't seem unreasonable and they offer a trial version you could use to test it out.
Let us know how you go
Actually this might be an option for Mac, although the price tag is a bit bigger on this, maybe mac guys might give you a cheaper option
from my own experience I'd like to recommend to you to keep the setup for the session with Ken as simple as possible. The mic of of your MacBook is good enough for the session. But you should play the Youtube track on a different device e.g. a bluetooth speaker connected with your mobile device. Then the sound of your voice AND the playback are captured by the internal mic of the Mac. If you'd like to use your Yeti this should work too.
Hope that helps,
we are awaiting your feedback.