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Randy Meisner of The Eagles -psyched out

I just watched the 2013 release of "History of The Eagles", one of the worlds greatest ever vocal bands. Randy Meisner was a founding member of The Eagles, bassplayer, and the guy with the real high vocal range. The wrote and sang one of The Eagles greatest hits ever called "Take it to the Limit" which at the time was the highest charting song they ever had. Anyways, according the the film, Randy had completely psyched himself out with regards to "the high note", to the point where he refused to sing the song anymore. This all lead a massive fight, and his eventual departure from the band. The band went to to even bigger and better things thereafter. Still touring today.
Great film. Great band. Great singers, Great harmonies.
Highly recommended film.
For those of you who have seen Ken's series of videos on Pitch, he sings an song the Eagles did  version of called "Seven Bridges Road".
This song starts the film off. Brilliant.


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031

    The song is incredibly hard to sing.  Randy sang it in the Key of C, and the chorus is just killer.

    There are some painful videos of them trying to pull that song off live in the original key, back in the day.

    Another unsung hero from the Eagles' early days was J.D. Souther, who wrote or co-wrote a number of the Eagle's hits.


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