A guy with hearing aids

PeterHUNPeterHUN Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 39

I want to ask whether I should quit singing or not. But prior to that I would like to tell a bit about my story.

I'm 20 and was always fond of music. I got the KTVA 1.0/2.0 course years back and have already poured countless hours into it (with a deleterious approach, that is overforcing everything). Only recently did I realize that I've been led astray by my impaired hearing. I wear hearing aids and just tried the new one the other day. What a difference! I've been singing below an octave up until now! Basically, I hear high notes very well, but low ones not so much. My theory is that as I could hear the higher overtones more easily than the lower base notes themselves, my perception of pitch was flawed from the beginning and thus the thinking that my C3 was actually a C4.

Now I can readily hear the difference between a C3 and a C4. As far as my voice is concerned, I have a "range" from G2 - E5. In reality, comfy chest range is A2 - B3 but I can stretch it up to a G4.

After reviewing the course 2 years later, my approach to singing has improved a lot psichologically. With relaxing more I already do better, even after a 2 year long hiatus. However, the fact that everything is suddenly out of reach by an octave puts me off.

I'm not a guy that gives up easily, but this reality check has me wondering. I thought I was decent, but now I feel like a whiny kid past C4 lol.

Should I quit singing and choose a more reasonable hobby?

Any insight is greatly appreciated! And don't spare me, be honest!

Kind regards


  • sjonrokz4usjonrokz4u 2.0 PRO Posts: 1,287
    Never give up on things you want in life. When your dreams die you die
  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,449
    edited May 2021
    don't give up. there are people without hearing aids who can't hear that.

    you could try tonedear.com for some ear training, do the intervals exercise with the 1 3 5 intervals, and read the "how to practice" first. anyone who wants to pursue singing benefits from ear training

    no one is perfect, and everyone has different challenges. do what you want to do. think of all the people that achieved things that people told them they could never achieve, and somehow they still made it.
  • PeterHUNPeterHUN Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 39
    Thank you for your supportive feedback! Honestly, I thought I would be frowned upon for singing with hearing aids.

    I decided to keep at it and this time I feel more motivated to rise up to the new challenge.

    I will try tonedear.com and will restart the whole course with Vol. 1: Better Pitch and the Audio Starter workouts.

    My questions this time: is it ok that my chest reaches C4-G4 with a slightly increased volume or should I be able to hit and hold them lightly from the get go? I feel good about those notes and strain much less than before, but still cannot use them in a song for example. Also, I've read somewhere that if I can't get past a note then I start to mess up 3-4 notes earlier. I think it's not always true as stretching itself implies getting comfortable with something challenging, even with the right technique.

    After more practice I will post a recording. In the meantime I would like to ask one more thing. Where do you "kickstart" your voice? My approach to notes is first "dropping them" and then carrying it around with my support. My resonation starts in the middle-bottom of my nasal cavity (i try to avoid nasality though) and this helps me avoid pushing with my throat from below.

    Thanks in advance!
  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,449
    no worries, this forum is meant to help singers get better, that's the whole point. no "frowning upon" anything

    you can hit the top notes a bit harder, it is easier to stay in chest like that. be aware though that it is a bit of a crutch, so you want to try to keep the volume consistent later on, once you "get it". it is fine to train like that for now, so no stress. in the beginning it is a helpful tool, and you will learn to stay in chest at lower volumes, and keep levels consistent throughout the scale as you progress.

    that part, i am not sure what you mean exactly:
    Also, I've read somewhere that if I can't get past a note then I start to mess up 3-4 notes earlier
    is that in practicing scales, or in songs? it is normal that you can't do everything you can do in a scale in a song. let me know what exactly you meant here.

    your voice should be "kickstarted" in the abdominal area, where you support. that's the engine driving your car

    as soon as you feel ready, make sure to post two LAH scales, one stretching chest and one bridging. they are the benchmark test for KTVA methods, and we can give you the most valuable feedback if we hear how you are doing there. you've already seen that it is a supportive place here, so don't worry, no one is gonna make fun of your scales. i was a bit shy before i posted my first scales. but there is nothing to worry about

  • PeterHUNPeterHUN Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 39
    Thanks! I think I'm good to go for now and just noticed there are pdfs included in the volumes. With this and the forum I shall have plenty of reference points.

    The part you quoted doesn't bear any relevance now, it's clearer. In any case, I meant getting past a note in a scale, but as soon as I have trouble I'll make sure to come back to this forum.
  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,449
    great! also, read as much as you can on here, and also, listen to other people's LAH recordings and read the comments, it will make a huge difference.
  • WigsWigs Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5,042
    G2 to E5 in your scales is PLENTY of range! I also suggest posting your scales sooner rather waiting, we might pickup on something that that saves you time going back to. Even if the information we give you, you already realise you are doing, at least that is conformation for you as you move move forward.
  • PeterHUNPeterHUN Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 39

    Before you check the audios I want to clarify that these were recorded just to give you an idea about my voice. To be honest, this is not my 100%, especially regarding pitch. I only wanted a quick feedback because I felt I was doing something very badly.

    With the new hearing aid everything sounds differently (and better!) so I have to get used to that, too. I can now hit individual notes with precision so I'm super happy with that (perfect scales for another day). Huge step forward!

    In any case, my biggest concern is frogginess. In the first audio I did some scales the way I used to do and in the second I intentionally lowered my larynx. Personally, the latter sounds a lot better. Do you think I managed to improve my tone? It feels strange to consciously lower my larynx, but I think it's the next step forward. Control is what's really hard because I don't want to darken the notes on the way down but neither do I want to raise my larynx on the way up. What are your takes on this? Other tips are welcomed, too.

    Next time I will be more focused and will probably do a video, but for now these audios should suffice.

    Thanks! :-)

    Audio 1:

    Audio 2:
  • bikerdaddybikerdaddy 2.0 ENROLLED, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 17
    We all have challenges, and I applaud you for working though yours. I work with two professional singers that have hearing aids and have learned to work with them. I am confident that if you do the work, you will work it out.
  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,449
    the second one is better. you need to keep the support strong throughout. notice how towards the second half of each scale, you have more air in the sound. if you keep support engaged, you can prevent it. you need to read up on the "yawning sensation" to gain control over the mechanism of lowering the larynx correctly.

    be sure to always include a pitch reference for your feedback, even if pitch isn't the issue you want to address.

    you can brighten the sound more, but you are on a good track
  • PeterHUNPeterHUN Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 39
    Thank you guys for the feedback! As long as I'm doing something better than before, I'm ok with that.

    @bikerdaddy Happy to hear about professional singers with hearing aids! And for that matter, do you think I should also get a teacher in person? Where I live it's kind of difficult to get a vocal coach. As a coach yourself if you deem it necessary or favorable in my case then I'll consider it.

    @Klaus_T Noted everything, thanks! As for recording, I saw someone just play one of Ken's piano exercise and scale with the help of that. Seems to be a good idea.

    I'll work on the issues pointed out and will keep you updated.

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