Hello From Canada!

Hello all.
Just a quick introduction :)-I`m Shelle,the new vocalist for Montreal hard rock group AraPacis!
I am fairly new to singing so if there is a section on the forum for Beginners-I would be grateful if someone could direct me to it :)

Feel free to check us out at:

The recordings on the page are with old singers but just to give you an idea of the music and such :)


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    edited May 2013



    Hi, Shelle,

    Welcome to the KTVA Forums.  Unfortunately, only a small portion of the forum categories are available for viewing unless you are enrolled in at least One of the KTVA training Volumes.  There are tons and tons of postings here, but for non-students, only the Lobby, the General Singing, and the Introduce Yourself areas are accessible.  There is also a "Pro" section for those students who have purchased a Bundle (All Three KTVA training Volumes).  There are incredible downloads and updates in the Pro area.

    If you want to see and hear the kind of vocal methods used and discussed on this site, check out any of Ken Tamplin's videos on YouTube.  Chances are he demonstrates some Vocal styles you might be interested in pursuing.

    Feel free to peruse and post in the General Singing area.  You might find some interesting conversations going on. 

    It's nice to make your acquaintance and I hope you enjoy your time here!  I'll be checking your group out!


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