Original Song "TURN AWAY"

RLVRLV Member Posts: 170
A song I wrote the other day, decided to make a little lyric video for it. I'm torn between mixes at the moment I'll leave both linked if you'd like to give them a listen, I would love some feedback on it, thanks in advance!




  • punkdude3456punkdude3456 2.0 PRO Posts: 5
    I like the 2nd mix better. The singing sounds great, I would just try to work on giving the verses/bridge a little more power/strength. The choruses sound great though. Also I would try adding in more variation in the vocal melodies, right now it sounds like it's going back and forth between the same notes. A little more variation would spice it up
  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,454
    pretty cool. one thing that could work for both mixes: you can make the transitions between parts stand out much more by using automation (for pan/automation/eq/fx send etc) and/or different effects and sounds on the parts. especially so on the second mix, which already is more fx heavy and processed sounding.
  • RLVRLV Member Posts: 170
    @punkdude3456 Thanks for the feedback! It's funny because the second mix sounds better in certain speakers, and the 1st mix sounds better in others I'm still so torn. The power thing is more of an artistic choice due to the vibe of the song which I guess I could have played around with that a in a few different ways, definitely something to think about! Yeah the notes in sung in the verse are, F#, G, D and, E since sung over a G and an E, due to the choice of expression it was kind of hard to get away from those core notes, same with the chorus which does go down to a B but yeah. Thanks for the feedback man!
  • RLVRLV Member Posts: 170
    @Klaus_T Hey man, thanks a lot for the feedback! Are you talking about the transition sound fx being made louder? both mixes have the same effects, just some risers going into the chorus and some impacts on the down beat for exaggeration. I would love to understand more of what you mean so I can work to implement these changes. Thanks man!
  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,454
    edited August 2021
    i mean that the mix of the individual parts is contrasted, not the transitions themselves.

    just as a very basic example, in the verse the guitars are panned more towards the center and then go wider in the chorus. there are endless possiblilities but the idea is not to just have a static setting on the mixer and let the song run through, but instead you create a dynamic mix by treating the sections differently.
  • RLVRLV Member Posts: 170
    @Klaus_T Oh ok gotcha. I have a hard enough time writing recording and mixing all this stuff to think about things like that in the process, sure helps to hear some advice and tips and such. Wish I could just afford to pay someone to mix and master for me, would give me a lot more time to write and work on my singing and instrument skills. Thanks man!
  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,454
    edited August 2021
    it's of course not necessary but it is the next level! you can also achieve a similar effect by having instruments (like extra guitars, a shaker, a pad sound) disappear or only be there in one section, which is then more an arrangement thing, just with more tracks than a band could play at the same time. and if then there is some reverb or other noticeable effect on that track, the fx will only come up when you are in that section. i.e. more contrast between sections without so much extra mixing effort
  • RLVRLV Member Posts: 170
    @Klaus_T yeah I actually do that, I always add extra elements in and drop them out and drop out drums and bring them back and stuff like that, like in this song I have a guitar left and one right then a 3 comes in down the middle half way through the verses, then the drums drop out at the end of the verses.. I also use a lot of strings, pads, and keys for support and atmosphere in a lot of the songs I've made. I but yeah good tips man. I've been producing and recording forever now but it wasn't rock so a lot of the dynamic of guitars and vocals clashing in frequency mess with me and other things that are particular to rock music. I'm hoping by the end of the year and can have my music up to par or up to my own standards at least and ready for release.
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