Laptop specs for music editing - what do you use?

After purchasing some basic gear I ran into problems with the laptop itself. It's an old one that apparently cannot handle all these tasks. I had sound quality problems, popping and other noises.
Anyway what specs does your machine have if you are recording and editing music on a laptop? How much RAM would bring me within safety limits?
Any feedback is appreciated. I prefer not to make an impromptu decision.
Anyway what specs does your machine have if you are recording and editing music on a laptop? How much RAM would bring me within safety limits?
Any feedback is appreciated. I prefer not to make an impromptu decision.
i have a lenovo L560 with i7-6600U CPU @ 2.60GHz, 16,0 GB RAM, it's about 6 years old now and it is strong enough for what i do (includes music production with 40+ tracks and loads of plugins).
I suppose Reaper is superior to Audacity if you want to record yourself and edit? I have both of those, but Reaper seems more complicated to me as a layman. Should not be so bad that I would not be able to learn though. I am sure there are plenty of tutorials.
What I would like to do is to add my vocals over a track and maybe do backing of certain parts with my own voice. And add reverb and some smaller effects. That's pretty much it. I have a keyboard, but no plans on connecting that one. I only use it to figure out the key and what notes I am supposed to sing.
I have looked around and thinking along the lines of a Core i5 2.6 GHZ and 8GB RAM. That would be within budget and within the requirements for Reaper.
I have bought the KTVA course as well (went with the 2.0 download because I have a very limited internet ability in the dungeon where I practise - better to have everything ready to go on the laptop), so hope there will be some tricks to get me moving forward.