In a crooning mood

I was in a crooning mood. These are single takes. How’d I do? @wigs @highmtn @Elara @jaclynser @Rick_amateur @DannyOc3an @Vocality @shining sorry if I left anyone out. And thanks in advance for the input!
“Fly Me to the Moon”
“The Way You Look Tonight”
“Fly Me to the Moon”
“The Way You Look Tonight”
Minor critiques would be about some of your timing. Mostly evident in fly me to the moon, the staccato parts of the verse sounding like you were waiting to come in, instead of flowing through the pockets or taking command of the rythym yourself. It's not so much about being out of time but its like the music is leading you instead of the other way around. The other thing is you lose a bit of diction by being over contiguous unnecessarily. In the mid and lower range there were some slurry lines, but I think you can afford to be a bit more precise on the consonants in those bits without sacrificing anything.
Very minor things that don't detract from your performance as a whole, and easily adjusted if you want to. Awesome 👍🏼