Soulstoked - New Original Song (Good Morning Evil)

Johan_KaleviJohan_Kalevi Pro Posts: 172
Hey everyone!
I haven't posted here in, what seems like, ages!
Hope you are all well, and hope you enjoy my latest single 'Good Morning Evil'

All comments / feedback welcome!

Peace 🙏


  • LindseyBeanLindseyBean 2.0 PRO Posts: 161
    Wow your vocals are really impressive! I couldn't tell if that was Ken singing haha. Very similar tone in certain parts. Your voice is really smooth going through the different notes and you have a beautiful vibrato when you hold long notes. Fantastic work!
  • Johan_KaleviJohan_Kalevi Pro Posts: 172
    @LindseyBean Very kind of you, thanks for the feedback and for having a listen! 🙏✌️
  • WigsWigs Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5,042
    Really good stuff mate! Nice mix and vocals. The only thing I can comment on to experiment with is to try not to lean into your mask too early, you have really warm tone in your lower and mid voice, bringing some of that into your upper mid voice would be really cool. Keep it up mate, doing really well!
  • Johan_KaleviJohan_Kalevi Pro Posts: 172
    @Wigs That's some very useful insight, cheers for that! Also thanks for the positive encouragement. Having a running checklist is a good practice when writing and recording new tunes or covers. My problem is that I sometimes record new tunes hastily, and I'm still figuring out the phrasing of the verse's and the melodies AS I'm singing them haha (guilty) As I sing that one more, I'm going to try as you suggest - and I agree that it would sound pretty cool. Thanks again, Wigs 🙏✌️
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