Just an intro.
Hello KTA family. I just want to introduce myself. My name is Eric Thompson (Coach). For the past 30 years, my professional life has been dedicated to coaching basketball and teaching. I have always loved music. As a matter of fact, I started out as a music major, but life had a different plan for me. I am retiring this year from the education world, but have built up a pretty good local small-town side hustle as a harmonica player. I normally play supplemental roles (which I enjoy), and I hear/sing harmonies fairly well. This is probably due to playing a lot of bass lines as a tuba player, and 2nd/ 3rd parts as a baritone player while in high school, so I had some good ear training in that department. Well while singing harmonies the band leader asked me if I could sing a few songs to give him a break. I did and it went pretty well. Now in my head, I'm thinking, was it good, or are they just giving me the karaoke love? The kind compliments. right? No matter the reason, I know that I am pretty ignorant of the craft of singing itself, and I have a lot to learn. This will be my retirement gig and I am so looking forward to seeing how much I can improve as a singer. I'm not looking to make it haha. I already made it through my career. I'm just looking to be a better singer and enjoying the process. Any help is much appreciated, and hopefully, I can return the favor in some way.
you can ask questions anytime, and also, you can post your exercises for feedback from us.