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the more i streched my chest voice , my head voice or mix voice weakens is that normal?

OLDMUSIC771OLDMUSIC771 Member Posts: 1
i stretched already chest voice , head voice , mix voice the far as i could but the more i stretched my chest voice , my head voice and mix voice weakens , is that normal?


  • LindseyBeanLindseyBean 2.0 PRO Posts: 161
    Yes that's normal. That's why it's so important that you balance your targeted workouts to focus a little bit on chest and then focus a little bit on mixed and head the next day and vice versa. Ken talks about this in a couple of his videos. As you strengthen one register the other will weaken so you have to balance it out while growing your voice
  • paulnianpaulnian 3.0 Streaming Posts: 13
    I’ve had the same issue before! When I worked too hard on my chest voice, I noticed my head and mix voices getting weaker. It’s normal to see some imbalance when you push one area a lot. What worked for me was balancing my practice between all the voice types and not overdoing it on any one part. Also, taking breaks and doing some supportive exercises helped me out.
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