Bring on 2022!!

I am a 53 year old grandma who has been singing since I was little. I grew up in a home of music and while I am not a professional singer, I have sang the National Anthem opening for different events, sang and shared music with family and friends on special events and just for fun. I have also sang at church in choirs or on worship teams, and I even did a concert once (which was one of the funnest nights of my life)! I have tried to hone my vocals for years, but have had so much conflicting guidance that it has been frustrating trying to grow and have confidence in what I was learning. I have always struggled going from chest voice into head voice smoothly, and have felt like I have two different voices. I also had my thyroid and 2 parathyroid removed in 2008 and I was on voice rest (from sining) for a year after this surgery because my doctor knew I sang, and he wanted to minimize the scar tissue. This was a very hard time for me. I have noticed a definite increased restriction in my range, struggling mostly on the high side. I have also felt pigeon holed a lot of my musical journey into an Alto part when singing with others because of my lower voice, and that requires doing harmony, which is an area that I have grown in, but still have not mastered, lol. I tend to be perfectionistic, and I have a hard time finding music I like in a key that's good for me, and I have backed off singing. I still sing occasionally, for my husband, family and friends who are great supporters of me singing, but I miss it, and want to do more. My husband bought me equipment for Christmas to start recording things at home to learn from and enjoy. When I saw the Ken Tamplin videos on you tube, I finally felt like this was a place where I could learn correct technique, and grow in areas where I felt I have been stunted for years. I know I will have to unlearn and relearn some things, and I am game to do that. I am so thankful that I found this course, and I am excited to get started and soak up all I can.
You'll find plenty of other students presenting their scales or songs for critique. We do our best to be truthful and kind when we give feedback so that everyone feels comfortable taking the first steps. I look forward to hearing you in the future