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Chest Voice Warm-up recording #1

Hey y’all here’s a link to a recording of me doing my chest voice strengthening warm-ups alongside Ken Tamplin himself in his video ‘How to Rock Your Chest Voice’ on YouTube.

Link to warm-up recording:

Link to Ken Tamplin video I watched:



  • WigsWigs Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5,042
    You've got good agility for these more technical scales. You are also going into head voice for each of these scales. For example at 13s you are in chest (speaking register) then at 16 s you start to go into head voice until about 20s where you go back into chest. This kind of continues to be the theme through out the workout. The first AHs are in chest then when it goes into the higher parts you switch to head.

    You can concentrate on cutting back your air on the higher parts so its not breathy, once that happens then you can lean-to the sound more to bring in your chest voice. However I recommend starting with lower scales, maybe do the top end of the dudes and the low end of divas for your chest workouts, you will need to grow your chest voice one note at a time.

    When trying to access chest voice, think of having a commanding tone, one that will carry across the street or disturb someone watching TV in the next room. The reason its called the chest voice call register is because this is the part of your voice you use to call out to someone. Its probably a similar tone you use when a naughty child or pet is doing something and you call out to them to stop what they are doing immediately. You need to have more volume in your scales stopping short of shouting out the notes, its a controlled projection of your voice. If you can aim for the bright ping, this will help you to begin to grow resonance.

    You'll find in time that using resonance, breath control, support and correct placement, your chest voice can grow and the effort it takes to sing in your upper mid voice with a chest sound becomes easier. This could take anywhere from a couple of months to half a year of practice to get useable chest notes for singing so be patient, keep up with the exercises and see what happens.
  • RocknRoll_AriRocknRoll_Ari Member Posts: 50
    Alright sounds good I think I’m starting to realize that more like the more I get higher in my range I definitely don’t think it’s chest voice and ig that’s because of being trained to constantly switching into head voice so much as a soprano but I’m glad somewhere in there my chest voice kind of popped out a bit I definitely need to work on it more and like u said it’s gonna take time. I’ll try ur suggestion of trying lower scales and record that and post it on here. If u have any specific videos of Ken that u suggest me to watch plz link them cuz I’ll definitely watch them
  • WigsWigs Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5,042
    Have you seen @Klaus_T page? He has a list of Kens videos that you can use to structure a workout.
  • RocknRoll_AriRocknRoll_Ari Member Posts: 50
    I’ll be sure to check it out 👌🏼
  • RocknRoll_AriRocknRoll_Ari Member Posts: 50
    Hey y’all here’s my second chest voice warm-up! I used Ken’s videos ‘How to Sing Better Part 1, Part 2, & Part 3’! Ik I’m not a guy but it helps lowering the octave for me instead of doing female warm-ups in order to train that strength and resonance in my chest voice register! Lmk what y’all think!

    Link to warm-up recording:


    Ken’s videos I used:
    Part 1: https://youtu.be/IUlxC-Ja7Vw

    Part 2: https://youtu.be/z4O8SWcf6r0

    Part 3: https://youtu.be/wl_9wQRmx_Q

  • WigsWigs Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5,042
    I didn't listen to the end, but up until you say "Think Im still doing head voice" :smile:

    Yes, you are still in head voice. Another way to think of it is if you are singing close to someones ear in head voice, they will likely be able to listen to you with to moving away. When you switch to chest voice, the volume should start to be uncomfortable for them, especially once you get into your call register in your mid and upper mid voice. If you are truly calling out in chest voice they will want to move away from you.

    Another analogy I use is imagine a baby is asleep in the room and you ask your partner to bring you a drink, you'll keep your voice very soft most likely in head voice or very soft speaking register. Then you go out to a crowded bar and you need to make yourself heard to order a drink. You wouldn't be shouting but you'll be calling out in a controlled way so the bartender can hear you.

    Keep trying!
  • RocknRoll_AriRocknRoll_Ari Member Posts: 50
    edited January 2022
    Yeah I thought so 😂 ! Idk how but I got a feeling ig I’m catching on to identifying the different voice parts better. I think towards the end the part that u didn’t get a chance to listen to was when I started using chest voice more, but I could be wrong. But it definitely sounded more powerful at the end! If u could skip over most of the recording and kisten at the end and lmk what u think that would be great! 🙂
  • WigsWigs Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5,042
    I listened till the end and yes you are starting to access your chest voice. There are times when you got the high note still in head, but you hold onto the note and lean into the sound and you start to migrate towards chest. You can hear this at 7:13, as you lean into the sound, it sounds more like you are calling out. You break up a bit at the end of this but thats just because you have only started to access your chest voice, you lose your cord closure.

    Use this sound to grow your chest voice up and if you do this 5 times a week, after a month I'm sure you'll be comfortably in chest a note or 2 above that.

    Don't be surprised if you can't use your highest chest note in a song just yet though, that takes more time and practice yet again 👍🏼
  • RocknRoll_AriRocknRoll_Ari Member Posts: 50
    Okay thank u!! I’ll have to do some practicing today! I’ll post that later on
  • RocknRoll_AriRocknRoll_Ari Member Posts: 50
    Hey y’all here’s my 3rd recording of my chest voice warm-ups lmk what y’all think. The Ken Tamplin video I watched and warmed up with in the recording is ‘How to Sing Better For Guys Part 2’

    Link to warm-up recording:


    Link to Ken Tamplin video:

  • RocknRoll_AriRocknRoll_Ari Member Posts: 50
    Part 3 Posted!!
  • RocknRoll_AriRocknRoll_Ari Member Posts: 50
    edited January 2022
    Hey y’all here’s the recording for my chest voice strengthening warm-ups for today! Lmk what y’all think!! I used the same video from Ken Tamplin in this recording as my past 2 warm-up recordings (#2 & #3)! As always feedback is definitely welcomed! I like giving daily updates just so I can track my own progress while also receiving great feedback from y’all like I have been cuz it’s been tremendous help for me navigating my goal with my own voice and so has the feedback and constructive criticism given by y’all! If u would like to listen to my other recordings to track my somewhat tiny progress in this *FOR NOW!* journey by all means feel free to leave some feedback! Much appreciation and love is sent out to u all!!

    Link to warm-up recording:

    Link to Ken Tamplin’s video used in the recording:
  • RocknRoll_AriRocknRoll_Ari Member Posts: 50
    Hey y’all here’s my 5th chest voice strengthening warm-up/practice recording! As always by all means leave feedback or tips it’s always much appreciated from y’all. The same video of Ken’s that I’ve been using over the past I think about 4 recordings (#2, #3, #4, and this one #5)!

    Link to recording:

    Link to Ken Tamplin’s video used in recording:
  • RocknRoll_AriRocknRoll_Ari Member Posts: 50
    Hey y’all here’s my 6th chest voice strengthening warm-up/practice. In the recording I was also getting ready for the day lol 😂! As always lmk what y’all think ur feedback is always welcomed here! The 2 videos I watched of Ken Tamplin’s will be linked below!

    Link to Warm-Up recording:

    Ken Tamplin’s videos used:
    👇🏼“How to Sing Better For Guys Part 2” 👇🏼
    👇🏼“How to Rock Your Chest Voice”👇🏼
  • RocknRoll_AriRocknRoll_Ari Member Posts: 50
    Hey y’all here’s my 7th recording of my chest voice strengthening Warm-Ups/Practice! As always lmk what y’all think! Videos will be linked below as well as recording!

    Link to Warm-Up recording:

    Ken Tamplin’s videos used during Warm-Up:
    👇🏼“How to Sing Better For Guys Part 2”👇🏼

    👇🏼“How to Rock Your Chest Voice”👇🏼

    👇🏼“How to Belt- Belting Techniques- Voice Tutorial”👇🏼
  • WigsWigs Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5,042
    The funny thing is when you say its too low for you to go down, do you realise that the starting note is the same as the last note in each scale? You manage the first note fine, coming back down and reopening everything in revers is actually a bit more difficult than going up.

    You are doing very well accessing your chest voice now. From here on you want to pay close attention to your vowel purity. Make sure each side of the scale is a mirror image. You modify at the same place up and down and that your ah vowel is fully reopened at the end the same way as it is in the beginning, both should sound exactly the same when you listen back.

    I like the enthusiasm you have to learn and post your scales so often. I didn't have time to listen to all your previous versions though and just be aware that if you post more than one scale a week it could take longer for someone to get back to you or they will just listen to the most recent one like I have.

    Keep up the hard work, once you find that you are properly getting your chest voice to come online consistently with Ken, you can try to do them up the octave like he suggests for divas and see how you go.
  • RocknRoll_AriRocknRoll_Ari Member Posts: 50
    Well thank u! I like posting the recordings every time I do them just cuz it helps me for future reference and helps me track my progress! I’m aware that not everyone will get the chance to listen to them all but I really do appreciate the feedback!! I will take the vowel purity suggestion into consideration! And yes as I do the scales more I realize it is a lot harder going down than up! 😂 I will have to watch Ken’s video on vowel modification!
  • RocknRoll_AriRocknRoll_Ari Member Posts: 50
    edited January 2022
    Hey y’all I’m back after my weekend “vacation” last upload was Friday so I decided to give my voice a bit of a vocal rest…well not really from talking but from singing for 2 days but now I’m back at training my chest voice again so here’s the recording and links to Ken’s videos I used are down below as always feedback is welcome!!

    👇🏼Link to Warm-Up recording👇🏼

    👇🏼“How to Sing Better For Guys Part 2”👇🏼

    👇🏼“How to Rock Your Chest Voice”👇🏼

    👇🏼“How to Belt- Belting Techniques-Voice Tutorial”👇🏼
  • RocknRoll_AriRocknRoll_Ari Member Posts: 50
    Hey y’all here’s the link to my warm-up recording feedback is welcomed. Ken’s videos will also be linked as always!!!

    Link to Warm-Up recording:

    👇🏼“How to Sing Better For Guys Part 2”👇🏼

    👇🏼“How to Rock Your Chest Voice”👇🏼

    👇🏼“How to Belt-Belting Techniques-Voice Tutorial”👇🏼
  • RocknRoll_AriRocknRoll_Ari Member Posts: 50
    Hey y’all here’s the 10th chest voice warm-up recording of mine similar to every single other discussion I made feedback is always welcomed and Ken’s videos and warm-up recording will be linked below!!

    Link to Warm-Up recording:

    👇🏼“How to Sing Better For Guys Part 2”👇🏼

    👇🏼“How to Rock Your Chest Voice”👇🏼

    👇🏼“How to Belt-Belting Techniques-Voice Tutorial”👇🏼
  • RocknRoll_AriRocknRoll_Ari Member Posts: 50
    Hey y’all here’s the next chest voice warm-up recording! As always videos of Ken’s will be linked below! So will the recording itself! Feedback is always welcomed and appreciated!

    Link to Warm-Up recording:

    👇🏼“How to Sing Better For Guys Part 2”👇🏼

    👇🏼“How to Rock Your Chest Voice”👇🏼

    👇🏼“How to Belt-Belting Techniques-Voice Tutorial”👇🏼
  • RocknRoll_AriRocknRoll_Ari Member Posts: 50
    Hey y’all similar as the format of every other discussion posts! Here’s my 12th chest voice warm up! Everything as always will be linked below! Feedback is always welcome!

    👇🏼Link to warm-up recording:👇🏼

    Ken’s Videos Used in Recording:
    👇🏼“How to Sing Better For Guys Part 2”👇🏼

    👇🏼“How to Rock Your Chest Voice”👇🏼

    👇🏼“How to Belt-Belting Technique-Voice Tutorial”👇🏼
  • RocknRoll_AriRocknRoll_Ari Member Posts: 50
    Hey y’all everything will be linked below as always! I added new videos into the warm-up which is why this recording is longer than usual! Feedback is always welcome!

    Link to Warm-Up recording:

    Ken Tamplin’s Videos Used in Recording:

    👇🏼“How to Sing Better For Guys Part 2”👇🏼

    👇🏼“How to Rock Your Chest Voice”👇🏼

    👇🏼“How to Belt-Belting Technique-Voice Tutorial”👇🏼

    👇🏼“Free Vocal Warm Up Exercises-Daily Vocal Warm Ups-Vocal Tutorial”👇🏼

    👇🏼“Professional Vocal Warm Up-Vocal Workout”👇🏼
  • RocknRoll_AriRocknRoll_Ari Member Posts: 50
    Hey y’all as always everything is linked below! My voice wasn’t the greatest due to me just being tired! I have been staying hydrated and making sure to do a warm-up every time I sing! I’m drinking hot tea in the video it’s chamomile with tons of unfiltered raw honey!! Enjoy ur Monday. As always feedback is welcome!

    Link to Warm-Up recording:

    Ken’s videos used in recording:
    👇🏼“How to Sing Better For Guys Part 2”👇🏼

    👇🏼“How to Rock Your Chest Voice”👇🏼

    👇🏼“How to Belt-Belting Technique-Vocal Tutorial”👇🏼

    👇🏼“Free Vocal Warm Up Exercises-Daily Vocal Warm Ups”👇🏼

  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,450
    great work! you are doing well staying in chest, a few "yodels" here and there but clearly they are an exception. you can force yourself to stay in chest by "yell" into the top note, if that helps. also, you can brighten up the AH vowel a bit more and smile into the sound (try to imitate Ken, both tonally and visually=his expressions).

    engage the support still on the way down from the top to avoid pitch issues. in general your pitch is good. towards the end, where you say it is too low, you struggle a bit, but this can be overcome with more practice. it could also be that your voice is tired there. if you struggle with this exercise regularily, do it nearer the beginning of your workout, so you have the energy, i think this is in your range but more a stamina thing. you could also make the sound smaller to make it easier to navigate there, if that makes any sense.

    but yeah, overall a good effort!!!
  • RocknRoll_AriRocknRoll_Ari Member Posts: 50
    Thank you! And yes I think it’s in my range my voice just seemed tired yesterday which was why I was drinking tea in the video! Than again I always drink tea lol 😂! But thank you for the feedback I will definitely try to do the smile thing you suggested I feel like that may help a lot
  • RocknRoll_AriRocknRoll_Ari Member Posts: 50
    edited February 2022
    Hey y’all here’s the links down below!!! As always feedback always welcome!! I took @Klaus_T advice and stared with the daily warm-ups first! I also wanted to say my apologies for the cracks here and there my voice is tired which is why I’m drinking hot tea! As noticed in the recording I do get frustrated with my voice here and there but I pushed through I can definitely see improvement/progress!! Anyways have a great day!!!

    Link to Warm-Up recording:

    Ken’s Videos used in recording:
    👇🏼“Free Vocal Warm Up Exercises-Daily Vocal Warm Ups”👇🏼

    👇🏼“How to Sing Better For Guys Part 2”👇🏼

    👇🏼“How to Rock Your Chest Voice”👇🏼

    👇🏼“How to Belt-Belting Techniques-Voice Tutorial”👇🏼
  • RocknRoll_AriRocknRoll_Ari Member Posts: 50
    Hey y’all everything as always will be linked below!!! I think I’m getting somewhere!!!! Yay! Baby steps though just a tiny bit of progress goes a long way! As AC/DC says “it’s a long way to the top of you wanna rock n roll!” Lol 😂! As always feedback is welcome

    Link to warm-up recording:

    👇🏼“Free Vocal Warm Up Exercises-Daily Vocal Warm Ups”👇🏼

    👇🏼“How to Sing Better For Guys Part 2”👇🏼

    👇🏼“How to Rock Your Chest Voice”👇🏼

    👇🏼“How to Belt-Belting Techniques-Voice Tutorial”👇🏼
  • RocknRoll_AriRocknRoll_Ari Member Posts: 50
    Hey y’all everything is linked below! Feel free to leave feedback! I had to delete my other chest voice recording off of SoundCloud in order to have room to upload cuz I don’t got a premium account with SoundCloud which is frustrating!! So I’m sorry if y’all can’t see the previous warm up recording I still have them in my voice memo app I just have no clue where else to upload them for y’all to hear that is unlimited with upload amounts! If you have any uploading platform suggestions by all means leave them in the comments below it’ll help me with future discussion posts on here

    Link to warm-up recording:

    👇🏼“Free Vocal Warm Up Exercises-Daily Vocal Warm Ups”👇🏼

    👇🏼“How to Sing Better For Guys Part 2”👇🏼

    👇🏼“How to Rock Your Chest Voice”👇🏼
  • VocalityVocality 2.0 PRO Posts: 1,606

    Hi Ari

    Had listen to your first 2 exercises and have some feedback for you.

    Firstly on the Lay exercise noticed to start with on lower part little off in pitch on the root notes but as you ascended higher was pretty good. Not sure whether or not that part scale little too low for your voice but try to focus on the root note scale getting it accurate as possible it will take practice. 2nd scale had the same issue as the first on the lower parts. If any part scale is too low or hi skip it a rejoin where’s comfortable.

    Concentrate on when your doing the scales sing the scale, relaxation response and then take your diaphragmatic breath ready to start the next scale try not to get distracted e.g talking during the exercise. Remember to use diaphragmatic support on the Lower parts maybe not a much as the higher parts.

    Few things to work on your doing a good job though hope this helps.

  • RocknRoll_AriRocknRoll_Ari Member Posts: 50
    Hey y’all as always everything is linked below! I tried to take it easy because I woke up today with a bit of a sore throat not too bad tho! Feedback is always welcome!

    Link to warm-up recording:

    👇🏼“Free Vocal Warm Up Exercises-Daily Vocal Warm Ups”👇🏼

    👇🏼“How to Sing Better For Guys Part 2”👇🏼

    👇🏼“How to Rock Your Chest Voice”👇🏼
  • RocknRoll_AriRocknRoll_Ari Member Posts: 50
    I definitely think it does get a bit too low at the bottom though there are times very fee but a couple of times where I’ve been able to hit that low of a note maybe not in the recording here but in general! Otherwise the note is a bit tricky to hit but I’m also trying to bring out my lower register more than my higher register because I can already go high that’s what I’ve been trained to do all my life so of course I still practice with my head voice and stuff but I’m more focused on my lower register just because that’s my preference when it comes to singing! Other than that thank you I’ll try to do that next time
  • RocknRoll_AriRocknRoll_Ari Member Posts: 50
    Hey y’all here’s my warm up recording from Friday that I forgot to upload! As always links will be down below

    Link to warm up recording:

    👇🏼“Free Vocal Warm Up Exercises-Daily Vocal Warm Ups”👇🏼

    👇🏼“How to Sing Better For Guys Part 2”👇🏼

    👇🏼“How to Rock Your Chest Voice”👇🏼
  • RocknRoll_AriRocknRoll_Ari Member Posts: 50
    Hey y’all I posted another discussion today as I said on that one #18 was pre-recorded on Friday that I was supposed to upload later that day and forgot to but this one (#19) is the one for today! As not viable as it was in the recording I got a bit of a cold where I’m super congested in the nose and coughing a bit…*no it’s not covid*! I tried to make this warm up a bit shorter due to me not feeling the best and me not really planning on singing the rest of the day it was more of practice for my voice that I’ve been doing! As always links will be below feedback is also welcome!

    Link to warm up recording:

    👇🏼“Free Vocal Warm Up Exercises-Daily Vocal Warm Ups”👇🏼

    👇🏼“How to Sing Better For Guys Part 2”👇🏼

    👇🏼“How to Rock Your Chest Voice”👇🏼
  • WigsWigs Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5,042
    Hi Ari, Ive merged all your scales into a single discussion. You can just continue adding to this one. Every time you do, this discussion will get bumped up to the top of the recent discussions so people will know there is something new in it.
  • RocknRoll_AriRocknRoll_Ari Member Posts: 50
    edited February 2022
    Alright thank you! Where do I go to add to this discussion?
  • RocknRoll_AriRocknRoll_Ari Member Posts: 50
    edited February 2022
    Hey y’all I’m not really sure where to upload this to go with the rest of my warm-up discussion posts that @Wigs so thankfully put together in one discussion post so I’m posting this one separate in hopes that I can figure it out! With the assumption that this is gonna get merged with the other warm up discussion posts of mine I will not link the videos I used of Ken’s on here cuz if I figure it out you guys can just scroll up and look at the the videos linked in the other 19 posts which are the same videos used! I also want to state I’m still congested and I have been coughing quite a bit so this is another short warm up I wanted to still practice even being sick because it may help strengthen my voice! Trust me I’m being very gentle and making sure to not be too much on my voice since it’s not in the best condition rn! With that being said the link to the recording of my warm up will be below as always feedback is more than welcome!

    Link to warm up recording:
  • WigsWigs Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5,042
    Exactly how you just did by typing your question, post your scales in here from now on.
  • RocknRoll_AriRocknRoll_Ari Member Posts: 50
    Alright thank you so much for the help!! I’m still trying to navigate my way through the forums so this is a bit of help!
  • WigsWigs Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5,042
  • RocknRoll_AriRocknRoll_Ari Member Posts: 50
    Hey y’all I decided to combine my 21st and my 22nd post all in one cuz the other one did not want to upload so the videos used in the 21st which was yesterday are the same as the ones if you scroll up! I used the same one in the 22nd one or todays recording but I added a new video to the routine which will be linked below with both SoundCloud links! I’m still congested and coughing as u can tell in the recordings but I am getting better!!!!

    Link to 21st recording:

    Link to Today’s recording:

    👇🏼“How to Sing Better For Girls Part 2”👇🏼
  • RocknRoll_AriRocknRoll_Ari Member Posts: 50
    Hey y’all the link will be below to the SoundCloud for the warm up recording! I’m still a bit congested but I’m getting better a lot better than I felt earlier this week! As always feedback is welcome!! I will link the new video which is the same as the post above below as well!

    Link to warm up recording:

    👇🏼“How to Sing Better For Girls Part 2”👇🏼
  • RocknRoll_AriRocknRoll_Ari Member Posts: 50
    Hey y’all HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!! Hope y’all are having a wonderful day I’m feeling a lot better my nose is still congested and I have to blow it every so often but I’m not coughing more dealing with too much mucus!!!! Here’s the recording for today as scheduled! As always feedback is welcome!! Still trying to make sure I’m staying in chest voice throughout some work outs just to practice my chest voice and strengthen it correctly!!

    Link to recording:

    Same videos were used I’m trying to increase my range in chest voice so i used the video which was linked in the past 1 posts above this one

    👇🏼“How to Sing Better For Girls Part 2”👇🏼
  • RocknRoll_AriRocknRoll_Ari Member Posts: 50
    Hey y’all here’s the recording for today! Hope you enjoy I’m starting to try to expand the range of my chest voice which is why I’ve been using the video linked below still haven’t strengthened it fully but my chest voice is a lot stronger than where I started out! As always everything is linked below and above in the other posts and feedback is always welcome!

    Link to recording:

    👇🏼“How to Sing Better For Girls Part 2”👇🏼
  • RocknRoll_AriRocknRoll_Ari Member Posts: 50
    edited February 2022
    Hey y’all here’s my next recording everything is linked below and above in previous posts feel free to check out any videos I use by Ken they’re VERY helpful! As always feedback is welcome! So excited yet nervous for solo auditions in chorus tomorrow in the Sweeney Todd Medley we’re singing based off of the broadway show Sweeney Todd if you haven’t heard of it check it out! Definitely a dark and interesting show to say the least!

    Link to recording:

    👇🏼“How to Sing Better For Girls Part 2”👇🏼
  • RocknRoll_AriRocknRoll_Ari Member Posts: 50
    Hey y’all here’s #27! Hopefully y’all had a great day ima be a bit busy today so I tried to fit this practice in somewhere in my schedule today! Today to be honest I wasn’t really feeling quite it if that makes sense! But nonetheless I know it’s gonna help me improve my singing and I’ll be okay tomorrow! Links are below and as always feedback is welcome

    Link to recording:

    👇🏼“How to Sing Better For Girls Part 2”👇🏼
  • RocknRoll_AriRocknRoll_Ari Member Posts: 50
    Hey y’all here’s pt.28 to the warm ups as always it’ll be linked below and feedback is welcome!

    Link to recording:

    👇🏼“How to Sing Better For Girls Part 2”👇🏼
  • RocknRoll_AriRocknRoll_Ari Member Posts: 50
    edited February 2022
    Hey y’all here’s the recording for today! Sorry I didn’t post yesterday since it was president’s day and I had off I was super busy! Btw me saying something about a couch in the middle of the recording was referring to my dogs! It’s raining out and I let them out to use the bathroom and it’s super muddy and I didn’t want them to get mud all over the couch! So here’s the recording for today! As always feedback is welcome and everything will be linked below or already in the posts above!!! Check them out

    Link to recording:

    👇🏼“How to Sing Better For Girls Part 2”👇🏼
  • RocknRoll_AriRocknRoll_Ari Member Posts: 50
    Hey y’all here’s the recording for today everything is linked below and in previous posts! Feel free to leave some feedback! At some point in the near future hopefully I’ll uploading covers of me singing songs and put chest voice that I’ve been trying to strengthen and grow to test

    Link to recording:

    👇🏼“How to Sing Better For Girls Part 2”👇🏼
  • RocknRoll_AriRocknRoll_Ari Member Posts: 50
    Hey y’all here’s the next one! As always link is below and on other posts in this discussion post!! Feedback is welcome

    Link to recording:

    👇🏼“How to Sing Better For Girls Part 2”👇🏼
  • RocknRoll_AriRocknRoll_Ari Member Posts: 50
    Hey y’all I’m so sorry for not uploading for awhile!! I’ve been super busy to be expected since it’s my senior year of high school. But I’ve also just been dealing with a lot of other things too so it’s why u haven’t uploaded in awhile!! I’ll start to get back on that soon…hopefully if I can find the time to
  • WigsWigs Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5,042
    Hope you are able to get back on track, I went to listen to the last 2 recording but they seem to be missing.
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