Hi all - singing since last July

Hey guys and gals, I'm glad to join this forum. I've been producing music and rapping since I was a young teenager. Recently I found this new spark and the only way to express it is through getting good at singing. I try to practice 30 minutes a day. If you want to hear my voice - lmk. Any tips are welcome :) thank you


  • PhMarnePhMarne 2.0 PRO Posts: 206

    I've been working out using the tutorials for nearly 2 years before entering the course, and I couldn't encourage you more to join as soon as you can, because it really makes a great difference.

    Also, There's a ton of useful information on the forum, so learn and identify the issues you want to deal with and you'll find solutions here on the forum for sure.

    With that said, welcome!
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