Has anybody here experience vocal cord paralysis? Symptoms? Cure?

Hi guys, I have been following the program for the last 4 years and have tremendous improvement but last Thursday, I was going to do my vocal workout even though I had terrible phlegm in my throat. I did the lip roll and Immediately knew something was wrong. It now feels like there is something holding my vocal cords down when I try to hit basically any note. Im very concerned as I’m sure you can understand. Has anybody encountered this?
its been a month already since i've recovered from second infection..i still haven't fully recovered..
although, im glad that i haven't lost my upper range..but the thing is, my vocal cord get tired very quick..whenever i tried to sustain the note, i would break into headvoice..
So how have you been? How long it takes for you to fully recovered? How long it takes for your voice to become normal again?
i agree with you my friend..
its really suck going through this twice..
And i dont plan on getting infected for the third time..need to be extra careful with the surrounding next time..
happy singing my friend