Ventura Highway cover
2.0 ENROLLED Posts: 274
Here is a live performance of me playing Ventura Highway by America. Looking for all types of feedback to help me become a better singer!
Sound quality from the video doesn't help much with all the ambience reverb... From the bit I can hear, you're in pitch, got the rythm. Maybe watch your support on the high notes, feel if indeed your abdomen is doing the job not your throat up there... Remember you should feel the thickness, the tubular sound coming from below. It's an inisde feeling, and it's subtle. I have many times I think I'm ok but when I listen back to the recordings I hear some throat there that I didn't notice while singing. I go back the next day, be extra aware of adbominal engagment during the high notes, and when I listen back I find a difference.. For me sometimes helps to lean a tiny bit forward in the high notes so I can feel how the abdomen engages and fuels the sound, here my mind also recalls a bit of the situp workout and does the trick. Dont let it go to your throat much. Not that in this sample it's happening that much, but just be aware in your future sessions. Not easy, subtle but it's a thing to look for all the time so we consider this an area of interest when judging our own singing