Hi From Florida

Hi People,

Craig here. Played some guitar back in the mid 80s and took a long break. As long as I can remember I always wanted to sing but didn't think I could develop my voice any more than what I was born with initially. Boy was I wrong.
Using Ken's course and making progress. I'm 58 but so far I'm holding my own with the progress.

Thanks Ken for such a great course and for being a great Coach!



  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    Welcome, Craig.

    No time like the present to start getting your voice into better shape than it's ever been.

    The longer you work out on Ken's exercises, the stronger your voice will grow!

  • crabolacrabola Pro Posts: 20
    Thanks for the welcome Bob!

    I think Ken's course is the next logical step for me.
    I'll keep you posted on the progress in the coming months.


  • RandyBRandyB 2.0 PRO Posts: 450
    I had a listen to your covers. Some impressive work there! Looking forward to hearing where you are after working the course for awhile. I have a feeling it will be pretty spectacular.

    Happy singing,
  • crabolacrabola Pro Posts: 20
    Thanks Randy. I really appreciate your feedback.

    After watching so many of Ken's videos I was thinking that this forum would be hopping with activity but it seems a bit of a ghost town at this point. I've looked around for alternatives for getting advice on technique etc... and there aren't many choices without hiring a pro. $$ I'll stay the course and continue with self evaluations and Ken's course "of course"

    I'm amazed by Ken's longevity. I also fished up some old 80s videos of Ken with his Christian bands and he not only could sing but completely burnt up the guitar! Amazing!!

  • SukeyWTSukeyWT 3.0 Streaming Posts: 1
    Welcome, and yes picking up singing later in life is a wee bit more difficult. Hah... I started Last Winter and I am 65.
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