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First public dry-run before full performance, looking for feedback

In addition to starting vocal lessons at the local School of Rock (SoR) near the start of the year, I recently began working through the KTVA material (early vol 1 stuff). We have a SoR student performance coming up in early June, but they asked us if we could do a few songs for their open house yesterday. Here is a video for one of the songs that felt a bit rough (vocally) to me:


I have a few weeks left to prepare for the full performance. Based on this, what suggestions do others have as far as how/where to best invest my practice/learning time between now and then? Constructive feedback very much appreciated!


  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,454
    hey, just practice the scales and exercises from the course and the song as much as possible.

    i guess you could also try to move a bit more for the "show" factor but this is not singing related
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