Glad to be part of this forum.

LilwhiskeybandLilwhiskeyband Member Posts: 1
edited June 2022 in INTRODUCE YOURSELF
I’m 39 years old. Lead sing in a local band in my home state of Louisiana. Been singing since I was 19, shared the stage with some big names once, won many competitions and have fronted a few bands. However, I am not formally trained. I guess you could say I’m just raw talent with 20 years experience. After 3 months of watching Ken’s videos on YouTube I can tell a huge difference in my abilities. I’m a tenor and have always pushed my range and extended it over time but having someone actually show you the right technique makes a huge difference.

Looking forward to extending that learning experience here.

Thanks for the add.


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    Glad to meet you, Lilwhiskeyband!

    Lots of singers here, of all levels of experience. Ken's methods can really make a huge difference in your voice. I was born in Louisiana, many years ago. Been in lots of bands, still doing it. Ken's course has made a huge difference in my voice. It took me a while to decide to take the plunge and go ALL IN with his course. It was definitely worth it.

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