Hi! Hong Kong anyone?

Hi all

My name is Johnny and I'm from Hong Kong.   Nice to meet you all.

I have played guitar for about 20 years.  I am now a guitarist of a local band called LANDER.  I have recently decided to make a solo rock record - this is why i'm here.  I got demos done, but I need to improve my singing first.  
My main influences are Guns n' Roses, Mr. Big, Extreme, Red Hot Chili Peppers , and of cuz the classics - Beatles, Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, Cream, Pink Floyd etc... and some newer bands such as Green Day, Beck, the Black Keys, Ritchie Kotzen , the Winery Dogs...

I guess my goal is to sing like this!

and like Ken esp in his "Way Out" and 'Why can't you understand me?" videos, I can't stop listening to them again and again!

here's just one of my demos

So that's it for now, nice to meet you all!



  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,388

    Hello, Johnny!

    Great to have you here!  You have a lot of great influences listed in your posting.  I enjoyed the video of the Winery Dogs.  They're pretty hot!

    You will find that if you study the Ken Tamplin method of singing, your voice will grow in many ways.  It's something that takes a lot of dedication and realistically will take a good amount of time.  

    No time like the present to get started!



  • johnnyonguitarjohnnyonguitar Volume 1 Posts: 25
    Thanks for your encouragement Bob!
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