Helloween - I want out Cover

I always struggled with mid range. I think this demo proves it again.
First half of the song is quiet bad. My current routine is vol 3 only three times a week, as I no longer have the same drive for singing as it used to be unfortunately.

Anyways, since I still sing in a band, I would like to put some effort in, so I would appreciate any suggestion or exercise for imprvoing mid range.
Thank you for reading and listening.
I would say that you ve done a great job on that song - singing that live.
I do not see a challange in mid range in this kind of song as you have to sing lighter in the middle so the high heady notes can shine and sound like the same voice....
From Vol3 workout I would pick the track 16 - for the extending of the middle(belted chest)
I had the same struggle as you, I always felt that I am bit strugling in the middle range and it was because I was just focusing on seamless transitions to the highest notes and was not pushing the chest voice further....
Easy way of making the VOl3 harder is just to postpone all the modifactions while you do the scales, that will lead you to pull more of the mass into the sound....and you will see it is much harder to went trough all the tracks without making rests here and there....