Home Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy REVIEWS

Hi From Texas (success story)

Katie75Katie75 3.0 Streaming Posts: 1
I grew up in a small country church and the church I attend now all sing 4 part harmony accapella. I always wanted to learn to sing but was always self conscious of my voice. Even as a little girl my voice was a little lower than the average girl. I found it difficult to sing in unison with the ladies but right at home singing high tenor with the men. Despite learning to read music and learning to harmonize, I still was not happy with the way my voice sounded. I have been doing Ken's course for about 2 months now. Last night at our church we had praise and worship night which is all singing. I was standing at the sound booth with my husband because he was getting a mic to lead some of the songs. Our song director came up to me and asked if I would take an alto mic. He said the 2 ladies that do it are not there and he needs someone to sing the alto part (I would be the only one mic'd singing the part). Just a few months ago despite wanting to try it, I would have made up and excuse not to, or taken the mic but got so up tight that I would have not been able to get a note out. I surprised myself and calmly took the mic. Instead of being nervous and worrying about what people thought or screwing up really badly, I thought about it's the LAH, ping is king, breath, support, and be relaxed. If at any time I felt I wasn't doing those things, I corrected them. When I began to sing into the mic, I was shocked at what I heard. I did not hear a grandma who couldn't sing soprano anymore or a young boy going through puberty (i often thought I sounded like this). Instead, I heard a strong confident low female voice. The song director said I sounded great! I still can't believe it. I did not sing every song perfectly, but it was so much better than ever before. I am really only just getting started. I am excited to see how much my voice will grow. This course really works and I haven't been able to practice as much as I would like due to young kids and work and it still helped me. Thank you Ken for putting together an awesome course that is easy to follow!


  • TerenceTerence Moderator, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 514
    Katie75 said:

    Just a few months ago despite wanting to try it, I would have made up and excuse not to, or taken the mic but got so up tight that I would have not been able to get a note out. I surprised myself and calmly took the mic. Instead of being nervous and worrying about what people thought or screwing up really badly, I thought about it's the LAH, ping is king, breath, support, and be relaxed. If at any time I felt I wasn't doing those things, I corrected them. When I began to sing into the mic, I was shocked at what I heard. I did not hear a grandma who couldn't sing soprano anymore or a young boy going through puberty (i often thought I sounded like this). Instead, I heard a strong confident low female voice. The song director said I sounded great! I still can't believe it.

    Of the many student success stories here, this is among my favorites!

    Well Done!

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