Reintroduction, it's been awhile. Zach is back!

Hey all! It's been awhile. Some of you may remember me from a few years back. I've been doing Ken's program off and on since 2018. Lately, I've been getting back into Ken's program, and currently I am really inspired to invest my time and energy into it.
So I noticed that there is now a KTVA 3.0 available. I believe I have the version 2.0. What are the differences between the two versions and is it worth to get version 3.0 if you already have 2.0? And can I get a discount for already having purchased 2.0 or do I have to purchase 3.0 full price? Thanks again!
So I noticed that there is now a KTVA 3.0 available. I believe I have the version 2.0. What are the differences between the two versions and is it worth to get version 3.0 if you already have 2.0? And can I get a discount for already having purchased 2.0 or do I have to purchase 3.0 full price? Thanks again!
if you have 2.0, i don't think you need to upgrade, 2.0 is a great course as it is. re. the discount, i am not sure. @highmtn ?
2.0 is still available as a download (at least for now), and some choose to purchase that rather than pay a monthly streaming membership. 2.0 is as good now as it has always been. It's an excellent program.
On the other hand, many prefer the streaming format, and there are a lot of additional lessons in 3.0, especially in the introduction and in Volume 1. Volume 1 in 3.0 is about the size of all of 2.0.