Good evening from the UK
3.0 Streaming Posts: 11
Evening everyone,
My name is Beckie, and I live in the UK. I have been learning to sing since September last year; it's a ton of hard work but very rewarding when you make progress.
There are two reasons why I'm picking this skill up. 1) I used to enjoy music at school but never had the confidence to see things through to the end, 2) I would like to be able to sing Japanese and English covers and post them on youtube. I know you don't know, but I love the Japanese language!
I brought the KTVA 3.0 series; because (I feel) I need more structured help outside of my once-a-week lessons. I hope to get to know you all and to find more inspiration from you all.
Thank you for reading my small post
My name is Beckie, and I live in the UK. I have been learning to sing since September last year; it's a ton of hard work but very rewarding when you make progress.
There are two reasons why I'm picking this skill up. 1) I used to enjoy music at school but never had the confidence to see things through to the end, 2) I would like to be able to sing Japanese and English covers and post them on youtube. I know you don't know, but I love the Japanese language!
I brought the KTVA 3.0 series; because (I feel) I need more structured help outside of my once-a-week lessons. I hope to get to know you all and to find more inspiration from you all.
Thank you for reading my small post
make sure to use this forum, it really adds to the value of the course. looking forward to hear your work at some point.
There is a lot to learn, but getting there is a journey worth taking!
Thank you for the support .
Am I allowed to post video/voice recordings?
I've recently joined the KTVA course, and I will use this alongside my weekly lesson. I'm going to try to follow the suggested training plan. I started with Day 1 of diaphragmatic breathing; it was a little bit difficult to understand how to employ it, but I'm sure I will eventually understand; will I notice a change in my voice when I use it correctly?