Is my pitch ok ..i was told sometimes Im flat or sharp

Hello guys I have been struggling with staying on pitch while singing and from the previous video I posted here PITCH is what I was always told to fix.....I have done some pitch exercises..and this is the result

When you feel you're alone. (sounded great to me!)
Cut off from this cruel world ("world" sounded just a tiny bit wobbly, perhaps more breathe support?)
Your instincts telling you to run (you fell of "run" a little bit at the end, maybe that was intentional, I am not sure)
Listen to your heart. (fell off "heart" similar to "run" above)
Those angel voices. (you stayed strong on this to the end!)
They'll see to you
They'll be your guide. (both of these lines sound great to me!)
Back home where life leaves us blind. (I like your slide down from C4 to Bf4, very emotional. It got a little wobbly at the end of the Bf4, maybe work on that a bit)
Love keeps us kind. (great!)
It keeps us kind. ("kind" was just a little bit wobbly to my ears)
When I look over my feedback, it all seems to be about the last word in each line. Please let me know if you have any questions. I hope this helps you, keep singing my friend!
The question that I have is that wobbly sound...most of the time I have that when trying to sing softly or songs that are lower..can I fix this by using Lah exercise or breath management exercise
Just one question...everytime I sing people said I am loud...but singing loud feels good to me ,and when I try to reduce volume I have throat pain and cannot hit the notes well..should I always sing loud?
By the way, I'd appreciate your honest feedback on my 'Desperado' post.
I have given your song a listen and I cant say much as I am still pretty an amateur myself..but the cover is good you have a nice bright voice, I know its kind of ironic hearing it from me😁 but there are some parts that I feel like you sound little bit off..but I know if you practise you will nail it 😁😁