If you can't afford lessons and you've bought a KTVA volume, then you should wring out every drop of information he is providing in these examples.
Even better yet, watching these is a great way to get ready for your own lessons with Ken. You'll know what to expect as to what it's like to study with him. You'll be more prepared to get the most from your own lessons.
Ken is incredible at hearing your voice and telling you exactly what you need to know to zero in and make the most improvements to your voice!
@marc. How long is the lesson? Be prepared to do the Ah vowel, you will be taken to school:). Also have a couple if songs that you would like to work. You only need verse/chorus. That will eat up an hour pretty quick. Any other questions write them down so you don't forget them in the lesson. Have fun!
Put Vocal Lesson Schedule in the title so they know what it's about.
One of Ken's assistants will email you back to let you know how far ahead Ken is presently booked and ask what is best for you, what time zone you are in, what days of the week are best, etc.
Within a few short emails, the best date and time that works for you when Ken is available will be offered and then confirmed once everyone compares availabilities to line up a good match.
It might be a few weeks out, or sooner if there happens to be a match. Ken does lessons with people from All Over the World, so he and his staff are familiar with figuring out how to match different time zones worldwide. You just need to let them know in your email where you are and what time zone you are in. They take it from there.
The day comes along, your Skype rings you up, and presto!!! There you are with the world's greatest vocalist/coach working with you on YOUR VOICE!!! It's AWESOME!!!
Another great gift from Ken. Many thanks to Ken and Bob. Very informative and useful. Like Christmas time at KTVA.
If you can't afford lessons and you've bought a KTVA volume, then you should wring out every drop of information he is providing in these examples.
Even better yet, watching these is a great way to get ready for your own lessons with Ken. You'll know what to expect as to what it's like to study with him. You'll be more prepared to get the most from your own lessons.
Ken is incredible at hearing your voice and telling you exactly what you need to know to zero in and make the most improvements to your voice!
Has something happened to david coverdale we dont know? divas?
Check it out. It's Gabriela Guncikova, a DIVA, working on singing with mega-distortion, Coverdale-style!
If you want to work on it, Ken will show you how to do it!
You write to ktvahelp@gmail.com.
Put Vocal Lesson Schedule in the title so they know what it's about.
One of Ken's assistants will email you back to let you know how far ahead Ken is presently booked and ask what is best for you, what time zone you are in, what days of the week are best, etc.
Within a few short emails, the best date and time that works for you when Ken is available will be offered and then confirmed once everyone compares availabilities to line up a good match.
It might be a few weeks out, or sooner if there happens to be a match. Ken does lessons with people from All Over the World, so he and his staff are familiar with figuring out how to match different time zones worldwide. You just need to let them know in your email where you are and what time zone you are in. They take it from there.
The day comes along, your Skype rings you up, and presto!!! There you are with the world's greatest vocalist/coach working with you on YOUR VOICE!!! It's AWESOME!!!