Unsteady - X Ambassadors Vocal Demo and Acoustic Guitar

What's up everyone!
This week is Unsteady by X Ambassadors. I am trying to focus on vocal tone and blending. Getting to those high notes in this song is TOUGH. I have a tendency to have a thin pitch and I think it's because I'm not using enough air and having proper breath support.
ALL Feedback welcome. Thank you!
This week is Unsteady by X Ambassadors. I am trying to focus on vocal tone and blending. Getting to those high notes in this song is TOUGH. I have a tendency to have a thin pitch and I think it's because I'm not using enough air and having proper breath support.
ALL Feedback welcome. Thank you!

Blending: the "Hold" first word in the chorus' seem designed for a slight yodel into the high note. That might give a nice contrast. Your blending elsewhere is flawless.
Tone: You finish with a nice thick tone. For the higher notes, perhaps it's time for some hyper-glottal compression?
This is a good song for you, imo.
I would suggest to transpose the song i another key so the higher notes are a lttle less high.
You have a good voice for this kind of songs but you'll have more power and control if it's a little but lower.
39. Compression - Distortion - Grit
02F. Glottal Compression Headvoice 6
After collecting these links I notice you're on 2.0 @michaelmusic On version 3 Ken has 9 videos on the topic although they are repetitive and overlap. He describes drastically cutting back the air and then "leaning in" to cause a healthy type of distortion. On the head-voice video he says it's possible but harder to distort headvoice safely.
I mention it to you as a way to thicken up this part of your range as McCartney often did in the same range.
Personally, I'm only able to mildly distort and would prefer to be more developed before going further. You're further along so might give it a try.
Also, I would advise you to bring the sound a bit more in the head, like you're making the air of the exhale circulate in your skull. This sensation is achieved by placing the sound a bit higher and in the back, lifting the soft palate. I think this would release some tightness I can hear, that makes your sound smaller. And it will also help with blending the registers.