Say Hello To Heaven - 2.0

I posted this song a while back and got some good feedback. Here it is again, new and improved! (hopefully).
@michaelmusic @Klaus_T @Maarten @SingForSoup @RLV @Diego @Murbles @DannyOc3an, I would appreciate your feedback!
@michaelmusic @Klaus_T @Maarten @SingForSoup @RLV @Diego @Murbles @DannyOc3an, I would appreciate your feedback!
On this rendition (Say hello to heaven) there's a better tone than on the last song, you can hear some brightness, some spark in the sound that was not so present in the previous one. It's like you are feeling the sound more into your face and placing it there, this brings brightness. Sounds as if you were singing for a while before this recording.. On the high falsetto/headvoice parts, maybe try to find more roundness, lowering a bit your larynx so the sound can be placed and floats in a small round space you find inside your head at that pitch. I find that this is not that easy and comes from training head voice scales with a special awareness to bring roundness, since these notes would naturally come off as if being kind of pinched or squeezed for most of us. So this is something that takes some time to train, sounds good right now but there's room for more; always try your best to bring roundness into this small falsetto space, as best as you can and let it grow overtime..
Keep up the good work!
I am glad you see some improvement from the previous version of "Say Hello 2 Heaven". That's a good thought about the high notes, to find more roundness and lower my larynx a bit. I am enjoying the ride as I work to improve these songs, thanks for your help!