To all songwriters please read

I'm a songwritter and I'm pretty sure like most songwritters here, I wan't to expose my songs to the most people possible. So, i'm here to propose that we build a "Ken tamplin group of songwritters" on youtube. We could all promote without discrimination our songs and share our public. If anyone is interested, please post your song (in youtube) here, and I will create the group. Also, i do have a song i'd like to have a review:
I will be posting it on the group once people will submit their interest.

I will be posting it on the group once people will submit their interest.
Enjoyed your song very much: totally unpredictable harkening back to the album rock days of Bowie when artists dared to leave the safe path.
Regarding your idea: Voice development is all about demoing songs for me so I like your idea to consolidate KTVA'ers off into a YT channel. To that end, I'll update this post with a few songs of mine.
All be adding your videos once you've send them. Please tell me if the link isn't ok, I do believe it is since I've made it public.