michaelmusicmichaelmusic 2.0 ENROLLED Posts: 274
Hello Everyone! As some of you know, I have posted somewhat consistently in the KTVA Forums since starting the program a year and a half ago.

I've started writing original music and I performed at the OC Fair in Orange County, CA this past weekend. I want to develop myself as a solo artist similar to Lewis Capaldi, Dermot Kennedy, and James Bay.

Please check out this original and provide all feedback! Examples include: voice (pitch, tone, vibrato, etc.), song (format, structure).

Looking forward to your feedback.


  • MaartenMaarten 2.0 PRO Posts: 36
    Well that's a really nice song and performace man! great break/solo with the looper also. very nice done. You're really seriously working on your carrier I can see. Only your high notes needs more attention. some sounds you'r out of breath and not totally in pitch. but overall very good!
  • michaelmusicmichaelmusic 2.0 ENROLLED Posts: 274
    Yes I am @Maarten and I appreciate your feedback. Definitely, I struggle with how to sing high notes well! I am looking for specific tips on how to improve my high notes. So far I think I need to use more of a support strong head voice sound when reaching higher notes. I think I attempt to pull too much chest voice up and it sounds harsh to the ear. @Wigs any thoughts?
  • WigsWigs Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5,042
    You've made great strides from your earlier posts and being a live set gives extra points! Every single fundamental aspect of the course becomes really important in the chesty mix upper range. I think your self assessment is spot on, dialling back the chest voice by 20% on the high notes won't change the tone too much but will give you better control of it. Remember to mod the vowel and start with a more open position before easing into sounds like ee and ih, and keep it contiguous.

    You sound like a singer and musician now, congrats on getting to this stage of your career!
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