My hands hurt - guitarist problems

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I play guitar daily and for 3hr shows on the weekend. I am also typing daily for my day job as an Account Manager. Any tips on how to decrease hand pain/soreness? Supplements, vitaments, ointments, treatments, etc. Hoping for more homepathic solutions.
I switched to the Dvorak keyboard a long time ago to relieve hand and wrist pain. It's probably more of a time investment than you had in mind but I've never looked back. The action and thickness of your guitar strings also makes a huge difference and I'm a big fan of collagen.
You can search for ones with a bit of incline. I usually go with angles <45deg
Good luck!
i am a guitarist myself and struggled with repetitive strain injury for a long time before fixing it with this technique. it is all free, and it is usually only a few sessions of this and you are all good.
also, tiger balm red can help.
if you don't already, consider doing some hand warm-ups before playing. youtube has plenty of material on this for guitar players. i warm up my hands during the last few warm-up vocal scales before band practice or gigs