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for ken to answer ( if possible haha )

Ken hello!
I'm jack. 18 years old.
A very big fan :)
Two questions
When should i move to the next volume?
I was thinking of booking a webcam lesson with you. I think that would be the best indication. But i am also working these methods through with my singing teacher as well. We are both learning alot and i am really keen to move to volume two. I just don't want to fear leaving something behind. If you method is really something that can take me to the heights of my favs like; bruce dickinson, dio, Paul shorntino, micheal sweet, myles kennedy, sebastian bach and ofcourse you!!! ( very much so in my favs list ) :). Then i don't want to miss out or lag, behind.

The second thing is. Do you know much about the extreme distortion, screaming techniques of bands like black dahlia murder, lamb of god, bullet for my valentine. If you are unfamiliar with these bands i can post you some examples. Because there is alot of debate about this form of singing and people are usually led astray by how it sounds but i know it's an art and a technique that requires alot of stamina and good placement. Anyways i just like to get your words or one of the other singing experts in this forum/program.

Thank you!


  • ragnarragnar Pro Posts: 410
    - There is a lot of material on the whole "when to move to volume 2" around the forum, as well as a text document in the actual volume 1 folder if I remember correctly. So try and look around and soak up the information, you will be amazed at the amount of good info here.

    - Go to the webinar category and therein webinar topic, there are at least 2-3 dealing with distortion. Also there is some stuff on the KTVA youtube channel (search for Dio and Cornell in the KTVA channel as examples).
  • Ken TamplinKen Tamplin Administrator, Moderator Posts: 446
    Thanks for you help Ragnar.

    Hi Gumpy, 

    I don't know your voice so if you can post something for me to hear it will help me better answer your question.

    If you want to book a personal you can do that from the site under the top tab that says singing lessons.

    Post a sample so I can hear you and give you a more realsitc answer once I hear you range and how far along you are with the technique.
  • gumpygumpy Pro Posts: 21
    Okay thank you!! I have recordings that i can send by email. Also what electronic mediums can i have a lesson with you?? I don't have a microphone/computer set up with webcam and what not. Well at least not at the moment.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035


    Webcams are really reasonably priced now, and they have a built-in microphone.  You do the webcam sessions using Skype, which is a program you can download for free.  Skype and webcams are easy to use.

    You can also download a relatively inexpensive program to record your webcams with.  Most people here use Pamela, which you can download for about thirty dollars.  With that, you can record your webcam with Ken and go over it again and again later to make sure you remember everything you went over during the lesson.

    I didn't have a webcam and had never Skyped prior to getting started with KTVA.  It's just something I had never thought about wanting or needing.  When you realize that it can put you face-to-face, one-on-one with the best vocal coach in the world, you understand that a small investment in these items is more of a necessity to advancing your singing to the next level.


  • gumpygumpy Pro Posts: 21
    Okay that's great. Ofcourse! A good investment should breed success haha! How or where do i upload some recording samples?
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035


    We recommend that video samples be posted on YouTube and audio examples be listed on Soundcloud.  You can put the Video files in an area on YouTube that is not accessible to the general public, if you like.  You post the link to your SoundCloud or YouTube into a message here on the forums.

    We click on your link and listen to your file. You get feedback.


  • gumpygumpy Pro Posts: 21
    Okay great! So could do a recording of the 'Ah' vowel excersise. The tongue exersise. A little of my range and 'AA' vowel. Wpuld that be a good indication, as to whether i should proceed to the next volume??
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035


    That would actually be a lot of information, and should give us a good glimpse of where you are right now.


  • gumpygumpy Pro Posts: 21
    How do i link something to you through soundcloud??
  • gumpygumpy Pro Posts: 21
    Would it be just as efficient if i e-mailed my recordings to someone, specifically? That's pretty simple for me :)
  • ragnarragnar Pro Posts: 410
    just copy/paste the link to the audio clip here..
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