is there any benefit or damage of singing while ears closed?
2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 30
ken said this in his pitch section of course about singing while ears closed
how do i learn to tune a guitar without tuner like ken did in his video of better pitch section of volume 1
Maybe someone out there has made a course?
Ears closed ? Thats very intiruging to me ? Do you mean literally shut off the connection bewteen what you hear
and what is played ?
I guess if thats what you mean - it would like being deaf and your other senses would feel things in a deeper,
more connective way I guess?
As music isn't just about hearing but feeling as well . But shutting off your ears to music is very intrigueing to me.
If that's what you mean - there is a famous deaf percussionist and she plays by vibrations - so maybe there
is something in that. Fascinating stuff.
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