What do you think of USB Microphones ?
2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 175
I once saw a Microphone directly connected to a computer via an integrated USB output. Without going through a preamp. I can't tell you which model it was, but what do you think about this ? The sound was so pure, it was incredible on the recordings. As far as I recall, it was years ago. Is it reliable?
Edit : take a Shure MOTIV MV51 as an example
Edit : take a Shure MOTIV MV51 as an example
I knew that my USB mic wasn't going to be for singing. When I recently decided to take the plunge into learning to sing for the first time, I upgraded to a Shure SM58 for vocals + audio interface.
Like I said, from my experience the Blue Yeti USB mic is generally fine for most basic home recording aplications, especially if you're on a tight budget. One of the advantages of a USB mic is that you don't need something like an audio interface to plug it into your computer. It can be a good "get-you-by for now" microphone.
I've grown a bit disatisfied with USB for it's infirier audio quality put together with the fact that if you're using it a lot, moving it around, the cable connections are prone to damage or coming loose. I woudn't use it for singing, though I've seen people do it.
Voice, and instrument recordings are generally fine especially after cleaning up the audio in post.
Now, I have my Blue Yeti as a backup and podcasting mic, and my Shure for vocals. One is a condensor microphone, and the other is a dynamic microphone. My best advise is to research microphones, get the best you can that makes sense for the application and budget, and make the best with what you got.