WAZZUP My Vocal Brothers And Sisters Just Joined Happy To Be Here

KattDaddyKattDaddy 3.0 Streaming Posts: 2
edited January 2024 in INTRODUCE YOURSELF
I Finally Pulled The Trigger YESTERDAY And Joined KTVA 3.0

Im a 57 Year Old Male Sang In My 20's then i Did the Married with Children Thing Now Looking To get Back Into singing and I now Have The BEST COACH in The WORLD ( my Opinion)

Im on Mod 1 Now...NEVER had any vocal training EVER so this is AMAZING

I worked behind The scenes Was Manager For Britny Fox during The Tommy Paris and Billy Childs Era and Own The Trademark SOUTHGANG with My Friend Jesse Harte

and went Into The Concert Promotion Business and Put On HUNDREDS of shows and made tons of friends to many to mention

But Now decided Its time to Get In FRONT of the mic and what better Coach than KEN TAMPLIN a coach that can SHOW and DO as he Teaches,

If Your Coach cant DO and SHOW you need to GO Ken Is The BEST FLAT OUT PERIOD! Happy To Be a Part of KTVA 3.0 and can't wait to see my progress in a year !!

Chris " Katt Daddy " Hogan


  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,454
    hey Chris, welcome, congratulations on getting the course, you did choose well. any questions you have, make sure to ask them, and make sure to get regular feedback on your scales from this forum, to make the most out of this great course. best wishes, Klaus

  • MystiMysti 2.0 PRO Posts: 339
    Welcome to the forum, Chris. Be sure and post your LAH-AHs to get feedback as you progress through the course.
  • KattDaddyKattDaddy 3.0 Streaming Posts: 2
    Thank You Guys so Much For The Welcome ......Working The course now Gonna do a demo Song with Video in a few weeks Hope to Get some feedback on That Just curious Well I guess I could look myself LOL But where would I post a video in the forum ( category ) for Feedback ?

    Thanks again so muc for the warm welcomes :smiley:
  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,454
    there is "newbies demo area" and "vocal demonstrations for the bold" but in fact you don't need to be that bold to post in the latter, people are friendly here and won't flame you or anything so really you can pick whichever category you are drawn to more
  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,454
    if you post a LAH feedback for evaluation (which i highly recommend to do at some point and then as regularly as possible), there is the AH vowel category etc but you could also post it where it fits better if you have a question about say support etc, then you just post it in the category. the rules aren't that strcit here when it comes to that. please make sure to not double post though because that really clutters up the forum. i.e., please do not post the same question in different sections
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