My original song Sit and Joy

Singing your own songs gives some level of imunity to critics and comparisons.
But we always like to get feedback!
What do you think?
Singing your own songs gives some level of imunity to critics and comparisons.
But we always like to get feedback!

What do you think?
I liked it. Not just mashing the like button. (I can't like anything or it will add it to my personal play list)
But I did smash the like button and I did generally liked it.
Here is a link to mine I mad.
Not as good as yours but that why I'm here I guess.
Thanks for sharing.
Not as good as mine?! That’s not true.
Your mixing and production in general is much more pro than mine. Mine is just like a “demo”.
Regarding your vocals I’ll comment sincerely, otherwise, what’s the point, rigth?
The initial part I was thinking “I like the tone, great definition and the Voice is up front as should be.”
But then you started to sing out of pitch and on purpose i guess. And that’s a style I don’t apreciate too much. No ofence man.
Let me play it again, maybe I need to absorve your style…
But the first imprecion was what i tried to describe.