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Please analyze my vocal skills small sample size

Hi, I’m looking for honest opinions. I really want to know if I’m actually singing well and where I fall short



  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,454
    sounds good to me. with the song choice, hard to say if you could be using maybe a little less air, if i had to find something to complain about :) you can try the scales and exercises on my profile page, and if you want to, record one of them for us. the LAH scales are a very good way to hear technical things in isolation vs. in a song with playback and other distractions.
  • SandMan26SandMan26 Member Posts: 15
    Thank you. I will do that later on. I really appreciate it. Look for a video soon
  • SandMan26SandMan26 Member Posts: 15
    This how have so far lol I wjll do more when I have privacy
  • SandMan26SandMan26 Member Posts: 15
    This another practice. Hoping I did it correctly
  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,454
    ok that was quick! nice work! you can sing with a little less volume on the scales. it sounds like you are not exactly hitting all the pitches of the scale. the earbuds might be part of that when you can't hear yourself, maybe. if you can, try with a playback on speakers. also include the playback so we can hear a pitch reference to hear how that is going. i had to slow the scales down to get it in the beginning to get it right. ideally don't sit for full support, and look straight ahead. you can work on letting less air pass. make the tone brighter and visualize inhaling while you sing. is it the first time you did these exercises? or have you done this before?
  • SandMan26SandMan26 Member Posts: 15
    Thank you so much for the feed back. That was my first time. I will take your advice and work on improving it. I really want this to work. Just got to make I’m doing this correctly
  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,454
    great. ideally do the exercises regularily as described and get feedback so you know you are doing it correctly.
  • SandMan26SandMan26 Member Posts: 15
    Ok, sorry I couldn’t get the playback going. However, I’m hoping it’s a lot better

  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,454
    great work, this is definitely better already. you can brighten it so that it is really LA AH AH, this won't become "fixed" with one switch, but takes muscular training to happen. you will have heard Ken mention the PING, it is one of the most important concepts. we chase the brightest ping we can get. great job, do this for a week with a rest day, and then again :) haha i hated the idea of doing regular exercises 1hr 5x a week but this is how it works, singing is like a sport where it is more or less training. you have a great foundation, and motivation apparently to already record some demos. you don't need to do an hour off the bat, we usually work up to it for a few weeks, starting with maybe 15-20 mins, or even less. keep it up, looking forward to seeing you progress. you got a great foundation already.

    you can maybe dial it back even more with the loudness of your voice for the exercises, it will further improve the air control (which again was already better). the air control is also a long term goal. i repeat this because you want the mindset that it is a journey where you get better gradually, sometimes in leaps, and sometimes slow gradual improvements. ideally, have a written checklist where you note down the goals (Ping, Air control) and have it visible for your training. the bullet points change over time. you won't think of everything all at once, sometimes you will only work on one thing. but being aware of these as goals or targets (as Ken calls it) helps to stay positive vs thinking "i can't do it".

    as for the posture, i can't see it really, it seems on the last one you stand, which is great. depending on the phone angle, maybe you have a bit of a forward lean. best to stand straight so the throat is free and the ribcage can be recruited for breathing.

    keep it up my friend :)

  • SandMan26SandMan26 Member Posts: 15
    I really appreciate the feed back. I feel I have the ability to sing and people say I sound good but when it comes to sing high and powerful, it’s my weakness and resort to high chest operatic vibratos to do the high notes. Which I feel is not natural. I can add a sample of what I mean
  • SandMan26SandMan26 Member Posts: 15
    Can you post your warm up version so I can hear how yours sound?
  • SandMan26SandMan26 Member Posts: 15
    Can you link me to video where speaks about the ping and how to get it
  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,454
    hi, i am currently on holidays and cannot record anything. the best example is Ken anyway, copy him and aim to be as bright as he is, and everything will be great :) here is a link for the ping, but the ping should be mentioned in A LOT of his videos, so best to have a little browse yourself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPPyurXah2M&ab_channel=KenTamplinVocalAcademy
  • SandMan26SandMan26 Member Posts: 15
    Thank you thank you thank you. I really appreciate this. Yes I’ve been browsing. I will update you my results
  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,454
    ok great. happy to help. you can always tag me with @Klaus_T for future questions, so that you can be sure i see your post, because then i get a notification. looking forward to hearing you progress.
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